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Dara can't even remember a time in her life when Jiyong wasn't around. There was never an important life event for her that Jiyong wasn't present. Jiyong was there when she first talked; when she first walked; on her first birthday party; on her kindergarten graduation; he was there when she first got her period; he carried her on his back when she accidentally broke her ankle in ballet practice; he was her escort on her debut party; and even now, at college, the two of them were still stuck in the same major together. (Thank the gods that they only have two classes together, or else Dara would have gladly shot herself in the head.)

"Dara! Faster, will you?! Jiyong's already here!" Her mother hollered from the first floor as she fixed her make-up inside her room. She rolled her eyes at her mother's statement but otherwise answered. "A minute!" She responded before checking her face again to touch-up when her room door suddenly opened, revealing an irritated-looking Jiyong.

"What?" She snarled before grabbing her mascara. She was about to twist it open when Jiyong yanked her arm up. "Can you be any slower?!" He complained before dragging her out of the room, grabbing her shoulder bag on top of the table on the way out.

"JIYONGGG!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. Her scream was piercing and sounds like she was being butchered, which led to her mother waiting for them at the bottom of the stairs. "Sandara! Why are you shouting?! It's early in the morning!" She scolded.

"Omma, Jiyong's dragging me–" Dara began, but her mother only shushed her off. "Will you two stop being childish? Faster, Jiyong's appa's already waiting for you two!" She reminded before going back to the kitchen as Dara scowled.

Dara's and Jiyong's parents had been best friends way back in their college days. They even moved to the same neighborhood and bought houses next to each other. However, their children might not be the same case as them. The two sets of parents had been urging the two to be friends, but it seems like all Dara and Jiyong do was bicker. Eventually, their parents got tired of pushing them together and just let them be in their antics.

"Good morning, appa!" Dara cheerily greeted her father as soon as they reached the dining table; irritation long forgotten. She kissed her father on the cheek just as Jiyong greeted with a "Good morning, abeoji," of his own.

Dara sat down on the chair on her father's left while Jiyong sat opposite her. She was still making faces at him and the other continued to tease her back. Dara, always the first one to be irritated, snapped. "Go away, will you?!" She snarled, venom dripping in her voice. She was usually a level-headed person, but her mood always takes a turn for the worse whenever Jiyong was within her five-mile radius. She had questioned herself about it tons of time before, but the only logical explanation she had was because she was used to fighting with him.

Mr. Park made a disapproving noise as he transferred his eyes from Jiyong to Dara. "Kids." He flatly called. "It's seven in the morning and you're yammering again. Will you tone down the fighting? You're college students, for Pete's sake!" The elder man exclaimed as he waited for either of the two to justify themselves. (Not that there was anything to justify, really. Their fight usually stems from the silliest of things– i.e. why does Jiyong get more milk for his cocoa puffs, how many yellow tidbits are there in Dara's Cap'n Crunch Berries, why Jiyong's air conditioner blows colder air than Dara's, why Dara's bathroom was a square meter larger than Jiyong's, etc.)

"It's his fault!" / "It's her fault!" The two of them simultaneously responded as they pointed an accusing finger towards each other, glaring. Mr. Park could only heave a deep sigh before shaking his head.

"Yeobo," Mr. Park called Mrs. Park. "Please send these kids away now. I'm starting to get a headache and I haven't even begun working." He deadpanned while Dara whined and Jiyong bashfully ate his breakfast.

I Don't Dislike You [DaraGon/NyongDal One-shot]Where stories live. Discover now