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Nymphadora... Ahem... Tonks, is a favorite for many Potterheads out there for many various reasons. One thing they don't know is that Tonks was a Hufflepuff.

Everyone knows Tonks for her unique ability: the ability to change her appearance. You see, when you have this ability, you are called a Metamorphmagus, the plural being Metamorphmagi. Unlike Animagi, a Metamorphmagus is born with their ability and cannot become one of their choosing. I personally found it extremely intriguing about how a Metamorphmagus can change anything about them, their face, their hair, their body. This seems much easier than having work done or having your hair cut every few months. Straight teeth with no braces? Perfect vision? Pink hair? Who wouldn't want this ability?

This ability has always been one of my favorites, and we must thank queen J.K. Rowling for her magnificent creativity.

Many times I've wished to be like Tonks, not just because of this special ability, but also because she completely throws the stereotype of Hufflepuffs being weak out of the window. She is one of the bravest heroines I've encountered throughout the series.

We first see Tonks when with the Order in the fifth book, the Order of the Phoenix, to pick up Harry and take him to headquarters, Number 12 Grimmauld Place. First impression: pink hair. Even then I knew she was going to be a person I'd enjoy reading about.

Throughout this book, Tonks helps the Order with missions, often deadly, that they have to go through. People are refusing the returning of Lord Voldemort. As the end of this book progresses, you see them lastly facing head-on the Death Eaters in the Departmant of Mysteries. Imagine how scary that would be!

Tonks is a young girl, a Hufflepuff, yet she shows more bravery then most of the characters in the series, plus, she has killer taste in hair. She is extremely intelligent, yet still knows how to have fun.

What made me enjoy Tonks the most was her love for Remus Lupin. Tonks was in love with Remus, someone much older than her. Remus was a werewolf, and once every month he became something he wasn't. He could possibly kill her, but he wouldn't know until morning. He was dangerous, unpure. She deserved better.

But Tonks didn't care what people said about it, her love was so genuine towards Remus that she didn't give up on him. She even got a new patronus, as you may see in the beginning of the Half-blood Prince. That patronus was a werewolf- Remus.

Tonks never gave up on Remus, and if she had, she may never have had her son, Teddy Lupin.

Tonks showed her strength of love and courage and showed that she wasn't like the rest of her family, much like her cousin, Sirius Black. Tonks came from the Black family, which is known to hate Muggle-borns, but Tonks did not. She was most certainly not like the rest of her family, she was kind to all, made them smile. She and Sirius were the 'outcasts' of their family, blood traitors.

Tonks wore this proudly. She'd much rather be an outcast than hate Muggle-borns. Like many Hufflepuffs, Tonks was kind and generous, but you wouldn't like to get on her bad side, because she'll turn you inside out.

Tonks hated her family and their heritage. She knew that it took a lot of hate to perform a Killing Curse on someone... She thought she had enough hate for her aunt.

Tonks and Remus' son, Teddy, like Tonks, was a Metamorphmagus and he too, could change his appearance. However, I do not believe Tonks or Remus ever found this out about their son. Teddy was only a few months old when his parents were killed by Death Eaters at the Battle of Hogwarts.

Harry became Teddy's godfather shortly before the Battle. I can still imagine Harry telling Teddy about his parents.

Tonks was too young to die. She had so much life left to live, hopefully with her husband. Tonks' soul, as I am sure, lived in for years after her death. She surely still lives in my heart. I hope she's pulling pranks with the Marauders and Fred.

Tonks, like the Marauders, loved to pull pranks in her days at Hogwarts. Luckily for her, she could change her appearance, so she could never get caught.

Tonks will always be one of my favorite characters not only because of her superb ability, but because of her bravery, and she goes to show that Hufflepuffs most certainly are not weak. She also showed me not to give up on something, especially if you love it so much. Never give up on something you care so much for.

Tonks died, but she didn't die unknown, her spirit will continue to live on in the lives she impacted.

I hope she changes the stereotypes for Hufflepuffs. They are not weak. They are brave. They love immensely, but they can hate. Tonks hated the family that she had, the Muggle-born haters. Tonks caused mischief, she made people smile. She didn't leave unknown, and she will not be forgotten. Most of all, she showed us that Hufflepuffs are certainly Unafraid of Toil.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2015 ⏰

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