Hello New Friend

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Authors POV

You roll up on your yellow and black stripped Dirt bike to The Café by The Outlets. You go up to lady at the counter. She's friendly, but once she saw you she looked as though someone was holding up a knife in her face. You were obviously the problem. You wore black sunglasses but still wore your bike helmet, Black Leather Jacket, Scarlet Red tank-top, Black Jeans, Black fingerless gloves, Black 'utility' belt, and Black combat boots. Let's just say you don't do happy colors. You had your (h/c) colored hair in a ponytail, and we're chewing gum sassily. Of corse the girl was afraid of you.

"Hello. I would like a Caramel Frappuccino with Whipped cream and extra caramel on top. Thanks." You said plainly. Not mean, not kind, just plain. No emotion.

"R-Right away mam." She stuttered. Before she brought it back screams emerged from the Outlet's stores. You turned and saw people running towards the streets. You run out to see the H.I.V.E. coming around the corner. You smiled wickedly. You jump onto the back of Gizmo and say, "Hey, tell planet Midget to take a rest." You rip his eletro-box off his back, and sparks flew. Gizmo dropped and pushed off him, and landed on the side of one of the stores. You giggle. You grab some rope you found on the street and stuck it in your utility belt. On top of one of the other stores, The Teen Titans watched you closely. You ran over to Mammoth, but kept 5 ft between you guys. He grunted angrily. You take off your helmet. (Insert slow motion) You walk over swaying your hips, and flipping your hair. He got hypnotized by your beauty.

"Grab those 3 street lights, and wrap them around yourself." You commanded softly. He did as you said. You laughed evilly. The laugh sent him back to reality, and he tried to break free, but it was no use. You heard someone yelling. You turn and see a foot heading your way. Luckily you dodged it by rolling away. It was Jinx.

"If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself." She mumbled to herself. You both glared at each other, then started running towards each other. You try to punch and kick her, but she manages to get around to your back, and she squeezed your shoulder, sending her painful magic into it. It felt as though a shark sinked it's teeth into it. You screamed with pain. You turn your head.

"You shouldn't have done that." You mumbled.

"I'm so scared." She replies.

"You should be." Her eyes widen,and you go through her legs, around her shoulder, through her legs again, around her other shoulder, and across her arms and stomach. You went so fast Jinx hardly knows what happened. She was all tied up. You heard clapping as the police rolled up. The Titans were strolling over to you.

"Nice work. You handled that great." Robin smiled.

"You are 'The Bomb' As I think it's said." Starfire smiled way bigger.

"You were really good out there." Cyborg said.

"Totally." Beastboy agreed.

"Yep." Raven said emotionless as usual.

"Oh, thanks. Well, better get going. Other cities to see, other people to save." You started to put back on your helmet.

"Would you like to spend the night with us?!" Raven said excitedly, then covered her mouth.

"Sure." You smiled in that way you do.

"Woah, Rav! Where'd that come from?" BB asked.

"I don't know!" She said nervously. You followed Robin back to Titans Tower. You Parked your bike outside the tower and went in.

"Nice place." You smiled at Robin who had been showing you around. Even though he gave a quick smile, you feel a bad vibe coming from him. Starfire busted through the doors.

"Hello New Friend! And Welcome to Titans Tower." She embraced you with a tight hug then after a minute she let go, "Since we do not have a lot of space, we shall perform what the Earthlings call it the Sleep that is over. We shall braid each others hair, talk about boys, and Paint the nails of fingers!" She cheered.

"That sounds great and all, but I think I'll just crash on the couch. I like to be isolated and alone. Darks kinda ma thing." You said awkwardly, and her face dropped into an almost annoyed face.

"I heard someone say dark is there thing!" Raven yelled, bursting through the doors. She immediately ran over to you, "Dark is your thing?" She asked a little calmer. You nodded and she squealed. You turned and saw BB and Cyborg playing a bot game.

"I call next round!" You said standing behind the couch.

"Yeah, sure thing." Cyborg said not taking his eyes off the TV. You flip from the top of the couch (using your hands) over it and into a sitting position in the empty space between the boys. No one really noticed though.

"Ugh! Again!" BB cried. You grabbed the controller, and fight Cyborg. It only lasted 3 to 5 minutes then you beat him. The rest of the Titans watched in awe as you kicked his butt.

"How-How'd you do that?" Cyborg asked.

"Skills my friend, skills." You laid down the controller, Jumped up in the air above the couch, and flipped over it again. They all clapped for you.

"Hey, we never got your name." BB said. You turned to him and said,

"(Y/N)." And smiled.


After a few months of coming and going, The Titans decided to let you live with them, and you graciously accepted there offer, and the first night You, Starfire, and Raven had a sleepover. You thought you wouldn't enjoy it, but you did! And you thought, Maybe these people will change me for the better.

Hey! So I know what your thinking, this is supposed to be a Robin x reader, not whatever this is! Well I noticed that the one thing I hate about Robin x Readers' is that they only focus on you and robin which makes in some cases the story to lack detail. So Robin is not liking you right now. But eventually he will. This is a slow story on how you guy fall in love, I guess. Some of these chapters are based off of episodes, and I just added you in there. Also I'm gonna use some humor in here. You're going to be the funny one, ok? Ok. So I really hope you enjoyed it! Bye! Oh, and PS, The clothes pic with the girl. That's your outfit and hair style. Ok? Ok! Bye again!

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