4. Drive Me...Wild

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'Something has gone seriously wrong'

Cathy sent a text to Simone, panic rising in her chest. Whatever she had expected to arise from their master plan: friendship, embarrassment, maybe even the foundations of a budding romance, she had not foreseen this. Her two prospective lovebirds had been pointedly ignoring each other from the moment they stepped through the door, barely a curt nod passing between the two of them. She felt a twinge of guilt rocket through her ribcage; this wasn't what they'd intended at all. Instead of igniting a few sparks all they'd created was an uncomfortable tension which showed no signs of abating anytime soon.

Things were no better as the week wore on, even the rest of the staff had begun to whisper amongst themselves. Theories were rife with everything from a full-blown fight to a drunken one-night-stand considered and dismissed. What then could possibly have happened on their first (and seemingly last) date?

Ali was aware of the speculation of course, couldn't fail to notice the conversations that were swiftly hushed the minute she walked into the room. So far however nobody had dared to ask her outright what had happened, not even Cath. There was no clearer sign of guilt than this Ali reflected as she picked her way carefully down the stairs, a stack of folders perched precariously in her arms. Sighing she opened the cupboard door with her elbow and stepped inside, glumly surveying the volcanoes of paperwork that HAD to be kept, but which threatened to erupt and swallow her whole if she so much as coughed too loudly.


Soft footsteps on the concrete floor outside alerted her to the fact that she was not alone.

"You know we really should stop meeting like this" she observed as Jenson's unmistakeable features came into view.

"Like what?"

"Well in cupboards for a start!"Ali couldn't help giggling, imagining Cath's face if she knew what was going on somewhere beneath her feet.

"At least it isn't a toilet though right" Jenson pointed out.

"Or the back of the van?" she teased him, remembering their first romantic encounter.

"Hey I put a lot of thought into that!"

"How long do you think we can keep this up - I'm not sure your acting skills are up to it" Ali pointed out, memories of a particularly disastrous shampoo commercial coming to mind.

"Gotta be another week at least, really make them sweat"

They shared a conspiring glance, the only holders of a delicious secret. Talking of sweat, the temperature in the normally chilly basement was definitely rising, as was her heart rate. Ali surreptitiously wiped her palms on her trousers as Jenson took a step towards her, ocean blue eyes gleaming under the harsh fluorescent light.

He kept moving, pulling the door closed behind him until the only light came from a single struggling bulb.

One click and that too was gone.

Her breathing came shallow and ragged but not with fear, and it led him to her like a homing signal, memories of sea salt on satin lips playing over and over.


Somehow his hands had found hers in the gloom, cool fingers encircling her wrist where her pulse beat a frantic rhythm.

Ali shook her head, realised that he couldn't see her, and answered him the only way she knew how. His arms were around her in an instant, responding to every movement as their lips danced. Gently he pushed her back towards the wall, his body imprisoning her from head to toe. Legs buckling Ali gripped the shelves beside her for support, regretting it instantly as a soft 'whooshing' sound announced the impending paper avalanche.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2015 ⏰

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