Prom- Part 5

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   "Very ready."

    Dylan grinned and pushed open the doors. The noise hit you immediately- people talking, awful singing, pop music blasting. The room was dimly lit with a disco ball and fancy lights everywhere.

   "Whoa..." You were almost in shock by the chaos but you kinda liked it.

   "C'mon!" Dylan dragged you by your arm into the room.

   You were still kinda stunned by the noise but you noticed Dylan had immediately dragged you to the dance floor. I guess he didn't care about saying hi to Rachel and Thomas.

   Some pop song you didn't recognize was blasting from the speakers. Dylan grabbed both of your hands and started dancing wildly. You had no idea what he was doing but you started doing the same, laughing the whole time.

   You kept your eyes on Dylan as his dancing changed a bit from hectic to slightly controlled. He never let go of your hands.

   The song ended and everyone around you dispersed to go talk to friends and get punch.

   "Lets go say hi to Rachel and Thomas." You suggested.

Dylan nodded. He led you through a crowd of giddy teenagers to a table where Rachel sat alone.

   "Hey Rach!" You exclaimed and plopped down next to her. She perked up immediately at the company.

   "Where's Thomas?" Dylan asked while sliding into a chair next to yours.

   "He's off getting punch. He will be right back. More importantly, Y/N YOU LOOK AMAZING HOLY COW!" Rachel half-screamed.

   "I've been saying the same all night." Dylan commented.

   You blushed a little but hopefully nobody noticed with the crazy lighting.

   "Dylan you look snazzy as well." Rachel chirped staring at Dylan. You felt slightly jealous but Dylan didn't seem to acknowledge her staring. Besides, she has Thomas. You allowed your jealousy to float away and be lost amongst the myriad of students.

   "Here's your punch love." A british accent came from behind and set some punch in front of Rachel.

   "Thanks!" Rachel leaned over and gave Thomas a kiss on the cheek as he slid into a chair on her opposite side.

   "Y/n, Dylan! You guys look fantastic!" Thomas complimented.

   "Well naturally." Dylan attempted scrunching his face in an incredibly awkward wink and you laughed.

   A slow song then broke the conversation. Thomas and Rachel went off to dance. "Will you dance with me?" Dylan smiled and held out his arm as he had done so many times before.

   "I wouldn't want to dance with anyone else." You smiled and blushed as you took his arm. You noticed his smile turn into a grin as he led you back out onto the dance floor.

You wrapped your hands around Dylan's neck and he put his on the your hips. You tingled at his touch and the fire in your stomach, which had never completely left, flared up, burning your oxygen, and taking your breath away.

   Dylan and you swayed back and forth as the song played on. He didn't talk and neither did you. He just looked at you with an adorable little smile on his face.

   You smiled at him and stepped in a little closer. Only about 6 inches remained between you. Dylan seemed to notice as well and scooted in a little, closing the distance to 4 inches.

   You enjoyed just swaying there with him. All of the other students disappeared. Everything was gone except for Dylan and the music. You savored every millisecond. After all, when would you get this again? Dylan had said you were just going as friends, but you didn't want that anymore.

   The last strains of the song floated out of the speakers. "Would you like to take a walk?" Dylan implored.

   "Sure." You held out your arm for him and he smiled jokingly before taking it.
   Dylan led you through the maze of kids to a door on the side of the gym. He pushed it open with his free arm and immediately you breathed in the crisp evening air. It was so refreshing after the hot, stuffy gym.

Dylan continued walking and of course you followed. He walked around the side of the building to the school's tiny courtyard garden. It was actually pretty nice. There was a little trail through the woods that you took to get to it. You loved it out there.

   You just let your dress drag on the grass as you walked. It would be easily dry cleaned anyway. "So lets talk."Dylan said as he sat on a little stone bench, pulling you down beside him.

   "Alright." You looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to start.

   "So uhh are you having fun?" Dylan asked with a little too much enthusiasm.

   "Of course! Its amazing! I'm glad I came... Thank you so much for taking me. I wouldn't have had any fun otherwise." You smiled at your subtle hint.

   "I wouldn't have had fun without you either." Dylan reached down and grabbed your hand. His fingers were soft as he intertwined them with yours.

   A firefly happened to fly between the two of you and began to glow, blinking and floating as it ascended toward the stars. You watched it leave and smiled. You'd always loved fireflies.

   Dylan looked at you with his beautiful brown eyes and squeezed your hand.

   "Look I had a great time tonight... And I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?"

   You tore your eyes away from the firefly in the stars and met Dylan's. He looked at you as you pieced together what he just said.

   "Yes!" You threw your arms around him almost pitching both of you off the bench.

  "Yes. I wouldn't want to date anyone else." You whispered in his ear. He pulled away from the hug and leaned forward until his face was right in front of yours.

   "Me neither." He whispered and then connected his lips to yours. The fire in your stomach erupted. You were worried your entire body might burst into flames. It was amazing.

   You kissed back gently. You didn't know how long it had been but finally you pulled away, needing air. Dylan grinned and wrapped his arm around you pulling you closer to him. You put your head on his chest and searched the sky for the firefly. It was gone now.

   Dylan leaned down and kissed your forehead. You smiled as he stood up, offering his hand to pull you up with him.

   You took it, and walked back to the gym, hand-in-hand.


Hope you liked it! Also, requests are open so feel free to request an imagine! i do all!

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