Prom Part 4

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   "Is there something wrong with my face?" You teased when you caught Dylan looking at you again.

   "Quite the opposite really. You look stunning." Dylan's cheeks turned a slight pink and you felt the fire in your stomach move to your face. Inside, you were beaming at his compliment.

   "We're here!" Dylan announced as he pulled into the parking lot of your favorite Italian restaurant. He looked at you with excited puppy dog eyes and you giggled. The night had barely started and it was already perfect.

   Dylan got out and walked around the front of the car to open your door for you.

   "Thank you." You grinned widely as Dylan held out his hand to help you out. You noticed he squeezed your hand a little too tight, as if he didn't want to let go.

   Linking your arms once again, you and Dylan walkes into the restaurant. Immediately, the aroma of fresh pasta and oregano filled your nostrils and you sighed happily. You noticed Dylan had a dreamy look on his face. Italian wasn't just your favorite, it was his too.

   "Table for two." Dylan nodded at the waiter.

   "Of course." The waiter was a charming man who appeared in his early sixties. "You have a beautiful girlfriend Sir. I wouldn't let her get away." The waiter winked at Dylan and then turned to lead you to your table.

Your whole face flushed pink and you glanced at Dylan to see him blushing a bit himself. "Actually we are just friends." Dylan corrected half- heartedly.

   "Well. In that case, you should get the pretty lady while you can." The waiter smiled at Dylan's face which was now as red as the marinara sauce on the breadsticks.

   You full out laughed as the waiter walked off, leaving you two alone with just a menu, and candle, and a basket of breadsticks.

   Dylan stared at you like you were nuts for a minute before he cracked up as well. "I think that guy has a new OTP." Dylan teased as he dipped a breadstick in sauce.

   "Hey. Ship happens." You locked eyes with Dylan and you both cracked up at your terrible, overused pun.

   "Are we ready to order?" The waiter asked, returning with a notepad and pen.

   "Uh I'll have the lasagna..." Dylan stated.

   "I'll have the pasta with pesto." You smiled at the waiter.

   "Of course." The waiter said as he gathered your menu into his arms.

   "Okay I have an idea." Dylan suddenly turned serious.

   "What?" You asked. He looked so serious you were worried for a moment.

   "We should split food. I get half of your pasta and you get half of my lasagna." Dylan still looked dead serious and you laughed holding out your hand.

   "Deal." You shook on it. Gosh, you though. Dylan had a look on his face like this food would determine whether he lived or died.

   The food came and after switching half of your meals, you dug in.

   "Wow." You muttered as you took a bite of the pesto. It was amazing.

   "Wow." Dylan agreed.

   All to soon the food was gone and two empty plates sat in front of you. You smiled brightly when you realized Dylan was grinning. 

   "What?" You asked again. Dylan kept looking at you with an expression you didn't recognize.

   "Nothing. That was just really good lasagna." Dylan joked. He left plenty of money by the check on the table where he had scribbled a note to the waiter. "Keep the change."

    Dylan automatically linked his arm with yours as you walked out to the car. The bright evening had turned to sunset. The colors splashed over every exposed surface and you couldn't help but feel a wave of contentedness. The fire had not fully left your gut yet and you weren't sure that you wanted it to.

   "Well." Dylan stated plopping down in the driver's seat. "Are you ready for Prom?"

   "Yes." You smiled.

    "Well okay then." Dylan's grin grew and he turned to key.

   Within minutes you were pulling into the already- crowded school parking lot. You were itchig with excitement. It was your first Prom after all, and you couldn't believe you were going with Dylan!

   "My lady." Dylan held our his arm as he always did and you took it. You loved it.

   As you approached the doors you took a deep breath. "Ready?" Dylan's stunning eyes met yours.

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