→ returning and ruining

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He walked out the door 3 hours ago to go and fetch some milk. The store was only down across the town and would have taken just half an hour to go there and back. Yet 3 hours passed, and still, he had not returned.

Panic washed over Caspar. Constantly asking where he could be, Traffic? Roadworks? But none of them happened to be the case but that's what Caspar didn't know - his mind had formed a long list of endless possibilities not knowing which were true and which were false.

His phone went off: we can get through this together x

What was that supposed to mean? he thought to himself. The message was from Zoe. Then his phone revived a call... From Joe.

"JoJo?! Where are you?!" He shouted worriedly down the phone only to know Joe wasn't the one on the other end. "Caspar Lee? We have some difficult news to tell you.." An unfamiliar voice spoke.

Joe's coming back. He's on his way. It was just traffic. Joe is coming back.

"Joe Sugg, believed to be your partner, has been in an accident. We don't want to sugar-coat it or mislead you so we're just going to say it - his chances of living are very slim. We're very sorry."

Then it hit me.

Joe's not coming back.

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