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"Cherry,(-1)(9) is equal to -9 because Different sign means Negative answer"I said

"Ahhhh...Appa...Chelsea Unnie Scolds at me and Tell me..'Cherry is brainless ..."

"Tsk!Chelsea.you're bad."I said

"Whatever old man.I got to go."

Changmin and Chelsea disrespects me..because Yoona is gone because of me.And Hana left with her husband.

Mianhae..Children...Mianhae if...Our Love is totally gone.

I lowered my head..

"I'm sorry if we didn't end to a happy ending...Chelsea...."My tears flowed from my eyes

"It will end in Happy ending if you were the one who's dead right now."She Said and slammed the door.

"I guess I should be moving on  from now on..Because..I must be strong for my Children...Yoona..Yeobo..just support me from there...Even though You're gone same with...Our love"

Why did you brought our love with you....I..I...would be worthless when our love is gone...

When the love is gone.The left person would be in pain.So it's ok that you left me than I leave.

Because I know you have a soft heart....And I don't want it to be ripped on pieces...

When the love is gone.It would never be back again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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When the Love is gone. (Luyoon Fanfiction)(Book 3 of You're my savior until now)Where stories live. Discover now