Chapter 5

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I laughed as Discord suddenly made a thumbtack appear on Pinkie's chair and she sat down. But we all froze, even Pinkie's yelp, as you heard the principle yelling at Twilight's brother, Shining Armor. He was yelling at him to get off school grounds and stop checking on his sister. He assured that she was safe here and they would let nothing happen to their princess. He graduated last year and ended up with Twilight's old foal sitter. The Crystal Princess, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.

Yeah it was a mouthful of a name, but she prefers Cadence. Anyway, he sighed and cantered away. I chuckled and Discord gave me a puzzled look, " I think she still might have a foal sitter. Her own brother." We both started laughing.

Pinkie Pie came up and frowned, " I don't know if it's the fact that you revealed yourself and now Discord is your friend, but your being awfully rude. Twilight thinks of you as a close friend. Your talking behind her back. I enjoy what makes others laugh being the element of laughter and all, but not when it is done the wrong way."

I frowned and Discord looked down in shame, but shot up when he heard me retort, " Well, if she was really my friend, ask her who helped me make that spell of mine. Don't forget to ask why her reasons were what they were?"

Pinkie was taken back at my words and looked away. She looked back, but only for a second. The look in her eyes displayed disapointment. I looked away and Discord's mouth was hung open, " That look she just gave you of pure disapointment would have destroyed me. They are the only friends besides you I have."

I looked at my paper, grabbed my pencil with my hand and began writing down notes from the book. I was ahead anyway. I smiled, " Well, as a creature of mischief, she never got along with me all that much. I do not want friends who's sole purpose for being my friends, is to keep me in check. She does not choose to be my friend like you, Celestia, and Luna. She was asked to help me by Celestia, make sure I was to be safe and find my way in school. But she took it as, keep me on a leash. You see, friendship does not mean as much to me as you do. I can live without. Although, I am very pleased you are my friend. I may actually require you as a friend. I mean, I don't want to be totally alone. But if need be, I can."

He raised an eyebrow. " Thanks, I think," He said slowly as if he had to be careful with what he said.

I looked forward and the teacher kept looking at me. I smirked when she turned around and turned the middle aged unicorns chalk into a lizard. She shrieked and dropped it. Turning to us, me and Discord were rolling. Her face grew red with anger, " Discord!"

I laughed harder and he pointed to me, still laughing, " I.. It was her.. I s...swear. HAHAHAHAHA!!"

I nodded, now going into a silent laugh as she didn't know what to do. She finally snapped, " DISCORD! MAYHEM! Lunch detentions for the both of you."

Discord shut up and started writing notes. I stifled my laugh, but kept my smug smile. I was probably only making it worse, but I was finally having fun, " And I care why?"

She stopped in place and turned, " I am in charge of detention. You shall see."

I scoffed and she huffed in annoyance. Everyone in class had a look of utter shock at me. I smiled contently and continued to write my notes. Thinking, ' We shall see who is worried indeed Ms. Cheerily.'

( This is a birthday chapter. That's right, I am 16, today, my fellow ponies and bronies!! Love you all! DON'T LET THE TURTLES BITE!!!!)

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