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Anna. Anna was a bubbly red head. She was obsessed with Kristoff snowman chocolate and her elder sister. "Anna! You need to take a shower!" Elsa demanded. "But I just took one two weeks ago." Anna fought back. "Anna that's nasty go take a shower!" Anna went into the bathroom. Unlike most people she didn't lock the bathroom door. Elsa and Anna made a deal no more locked doors and that includes that door. Anna took of her dress shoes and stockings. She took her braids out. Anna turned on the hot water and placed some bubbles in. She immediately decided she didn't want bubbles and drained the tub and started all over again. She got in and sat down. She washed her body and hair draining the tub she filled it back up so there was no soapy rosado. She held her breath and went underwater unfortunately she's not very good at that. She sunk down and started to drown she started screaming underwater. Elsa busted in and pulled Anna's face out of the water before she could drown. "Anna? Are you Ok?! What happen?!" "Well I put my face in the water but I'm not good at holding my breath underwater...so I almost drowned." Anna explained.
"What did we learn today?" Elsa asked draining the tub and drying Anna's wet body off. "That I can't hold my breath underwater or I'll drown." Elsa kissed Anna's forehead before wrapping a towel around her wet naked body. Elsa brushed Anna's hair out before braiding her little sisters hair. Her hair was now in twin braids. Anna dragged her clean clothes and hopped in the shower and closed the curtain. She came out in a clean dress."I love you very much." Elsa cooed. "I love you more." "I love you most." Elsa replied hugging Anna as she played with her bangs.
Sorry for the short chapters and lacking of updates on this chapter. I spent about 10 minuets on it. Inspired by a incident in the tub that happened to BDisneyisneyTris so when she told me the story I thought that sounded like something Anna would do. Thos the chapter was born!
369 words! Till next time.
-Rylie ❤️

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