Sisterly bonding

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Elsa had been isolated for so long I people think she doesn't know how to be a big sister we'll see about that. Anna ran down the halls sliding in her socks bumping into a table with a vase on it. The vase was red with snowflakes on it. It was bought the day after the accident in the ballroom. It was cheep from the dollars store and coasted like 5$. Anna walked up to Elsa's door and knocked. They had made a promise no locked doors but Anna still knocked. "Come in Anna." Elsa's loving voice rung through Anna's ears making her happy. Anna slowly entered the elder sisters room. "Anna what was that big crash?" Anna laughed nervously. "You heard that Els?" "Anna! The whole castle heard it!" Elsa snapped. "What did you break?" Elsa said more sternly. "A vase?" "What vase?" Elsa asked prying it wasn't the nice one that was a wedding gift. "The red one with snowflakes on it." "Your lucky that was only 5$ is Kai or Gerda cleaning it up?" Anna nodded "Gerda is." Anna nearly whispered. "I love you Elsa!" Anna cooed embracing the blonde. "And I love you two." Elsa embraced Anna tightly.
So that was the first chapter

Big sister Elsa!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt