Chapter 32

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"Hey.." I start off, pacing back and forth on the tiled floor of the bathroom. I settle myself to wash my face while I have the phone on speaker. A bubbly voice returns my greeting almost as frequently.

"Hey! We've arrived." She informs me, and something coats her voice, but I'm not sure what. She's an expert at hiding her feelings.

I curse under my breath. Shit, I promised I was going to pick them up! The airport drive is about an hour from here! And I totally forgot that she's coming today. I actually called her to make up a reason for her not to come to Canada.

"I'm on my way, silly." I joke, and quickly reach my front door as I wipe my face, and literally run to the front door like my life depends on it.

"Oh, great!" Relief washes through her voice. I sigh. What a shitty best friend I am, I think, as I start the engine of the new car. It softly roars to life as I start to drive the car, heading down to the highway.

"So, did ya miss me?" I try my best not to start screaming right now. I'm the worst.

"A lot! And plus I have a bunch to tell you! Can I just spoil something for you?" She quickly says, her voice impatient.

"No!" I shout, smiling as I drive with her on speaker. Once I got caught driving while talking on the phone, and it was pretty scary but thankfully since it was my first time, I nudged my way out of it.

"Well too bad for you. Someone asked me out." She states, her voice thrilled. Amelia was never average; she was always above average with her soft, blonde hair and her beautiful eyes. Her energy radiated off her, and she was honestly the most prettiest girl I've ever met. I look like dirt compared to her stylish ways, and her dimple filled smile. Even in rags she looks like a damn beauty and was the most popular one of the school, who used to hang out with Daniella and her little cheerleading crew in grade8. When I was in her class, the newbie was totally mobbed by Daniella the world wide 'b'.

But our friendship just shone out more than her other gorgeous yet fake friends who had boyfriends since grade 5. We totally rocked it, as in our taste of music together, our long girl talks and what we thought about the class, everything really made me like her more. She's the best ideal best friend. "Amelia! What the hell!" I scream in surprise, speeding up. "That is so good!" Her last boyfriend, one month ago, Jared, was an senior hottie (for her,not me) and he had to move when he graduated. He was so bummed up about it but he couldn't change a thing, so they decided to end things off there because being halfway across the world wouldn't work out. They were so sad it hurt to look, and so I'm so excited for her now. Every single pain and thought washes away as Ames laughs.

"I know, isn't it?"

"Who is it, though?" I furrow my eyebrows. No one she knows in Australia. Maybe a cute guy at the beach or something, or her cousin James' friend.

"It's.. That, my friend, I cannot tell you until you reach the airport!" She fakely groans but I know that she's getting impatient.

"Don't worry, Amelia, I'm almost here. The traffic is honestly killer today." I sigh, not wanting to lie to her but realize that I'm actually not lying. A bunch of cars are lined up behind me and there's scarcely any space in front of me.

"Oh, that must suck."

"It does, yes." I reply back.

"So. How was, you know, California?" She asks. "I mean, not the Alex part," she adds bitterly. She only knows about the heartbreak, not the part of where the stupid boy comes after me. Tears spring into my eyes. I miss him already.

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