Chapter 22

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"Alex, you know I'm not like that at all. I love you, and, I can't possibly think that you would think of me that low." I mumble, a bit angry now. He knows that me and Ben are really good friends since like, a couple of months or something. At least one month since I've been here, and I've been hanging around Alex's friends. We're like a family but now Alex is starting to get a bit on my nerves. He knows that I'm close with Ben, more than the other guys. Ben is funny and really nice once you get to know him. He's also Evelyn's boyfriend, so he's my best friends boyfriend.

"I mean, he's Evelyn's boyfriend, Alex, come on." I spit, scrunching my nose in disgust.

"Well it takes a minute for a woman to fall." His face is inches from mine, his eyes blazing and his gaze intense.

"What's wrong with you?!" I now start to raise my voice due to all of this rubbish he is saying. "It takes a minute for a man to fall, Alex, and you should get that right."

He stays silent. Because he knows it's true. He knows that he's a really accurate example of what I mean by 'boys fall'. He fell. He slept with strangers, used them. One night can change it all.

"Just shut up! What I'm trying to say here Jenna is you and Ben are something I can't comprehend! But I know, the way you look at him, the way you talk to him and laugh with him." He says. Then he simply stomps out of the room. Slamming the door. Leaving me to slump into bed.

After all this time, all these promises, his love is this weak on me?

Was he ever worth it?


Ben's POV

Text to :
Time: 6 pm


6:30 pm

Are you ok

6:45 pm



I need to tell you something right now

7:30 pm
What Ben
7:31 pm
You: please just meet me at this mall I'll send you the location

She doesn't reply after that but I send her the location to the mall and hurriedly drive there. I'm actually worrying about her. A lot. She never ignores me. And I also have to fill her in about the date! Alex's phone is going off when I try to call him. What is going on with these two?

I sigh and enter the mall, away from the sticky evening heat. I slump into a bench near the middle of the mall and sigh, watching the minutes tick by. I'm pretty sure she's not coming. When I get up, as the people walk by and talk and eat, I slowly trudge out of the mall. Just then, a body hits mine. I instantly throw my arms around whoever it is because obviously they're falling.

I help them and finally see their face. It's Jenna. Her eyes are puffy and her hair is flowing down her back and shoulders freely. Her tired blue eyes meet mine. I take in her features and suck in a breath. Whatever has happened to my best friend, I'm gonna find out.

I steady her, helping her into my car. Right now I can't talk to her seriously inside the loud mall. Yeah, I'm overprotective on her.

"Jenna, what's wrong?"

Her eyes search mine blankly.

"Jenna." I sternly say.

"Nothing. How did the date go?" She asks.

"Shut up. Just tell me what's wrong first."

"Please, Ben, I don't want to talk about it." Her eyes plead and her voice fills my ears.

Toddlers Until TeenagersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora