Chapter 2

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I was shocked. They were deaf, I think since they hadn't heard me say "Oh my fucking god!" What else was I suppose to say?

Then something dawned on me. As if I was possessed, I took my INQ cloud phone and clicked the camera button and with one click I took it. I took the picture. That's when they saw me in the room with them, they knew that I knew.

"Samantha, I can explain this!" Mr. Dullen started.

"And what excactly is that, sir?" I asked nonchalantly.

Instead Lilly answered, "Oh Sammie, we both know you know! Now won't don't you just run along, nobody will believe you anyway."

I took a few steps forward to leaned on a table then waved my phone is the air while saying, "The great thing about this phone I could easily post my little picture on Facebook, Twitter and that lot with just a click of a finger," I showed the photo I had taken. Mr. Dullen tried to grab the phone but I quickly retreated my arm, "Now, you wouldn't want to be caught stealing, would you?"

"Samantha, you know the rules! No phones in school." Mr. Dullen frowned.

I rolled my eyes in response, "Do you really want to play that game?"

"I got to go now," Lilly said before rushing out the door.

"Well then I guess that leaves only the two of us, like you said I need to push my grades up! I think I just found the perfect way to do that," I smirked.

"What do you want? Money? Grades?" He questioned.

 "No, I want a monkey," I stated.

"A monkey?"

"Yes! My own personal slave monkey."

"No! Anything but that."

"Okay, then! I just have to head to the head master's office for a sec," I retorted.

I hoped off the table and started heading for the door only to be stopped, "Wait!"

"I guess I just found myself my own personal slave."

"Can't you just say assistant?" Mr. Dullen questioned.

I smiled, "Fine but deep down you know the truth!" Mr. Dullen bowed down his head in shame to the truth of my word. "Now your first thing you will do as my slave is re-read my paper. I think it's worth a B personally," I winked bye.

Before I strutted past the door, over my shoulder I said, "And that's an F for you, sir!"

Walking down the hallway, it hit me that I had never been like that before. I looked behind me before taking out my phone and looking down at the picture. Should I delete it? I thought.

The voice in the back of my head said yes though I couldn't help but feel that having a teacher doing my every word would kind of awesome.

Extremely awesome. Oh, what the hell?

I laughed evily as I made my out out the doors and onto the waiting school bus.

I walked into English with a huge smirk plastered onto my face. I sat in my seat and got out my book from my bag.

"So, today class, we're going to be studying Shakespere's Hamlet, please turn to page 1"

"No" I stated, my voice booming through the room noise of rustling papers and whispering.

"Excuse me Ms. Bindes , is there a problem?" Mr. Dullen scowled at me.

"Yeah, Shakespere's boring, I wanna do something else?"

"And what would you prefer, Ms. Bindes?" He shook his head, laughing slightly.

"Henry The Caterpillar" I stated, not faltering.

"Excuse me?" He stared wide eyed, giving me a look as if I was crazy, but then again, I probably was"

"I want to read Henry The Caterpillar"

"We can't do that, Ms. Bindes" He shook his head, sitting in his desk chair.

"Well, sir, now you come to mention it, I have some very a interesting report for the headmaster, so if you'll excuse me" I stood up, scraping my chair against the cheap flooring.

"Wait, Ms. Bindes." Mr. Dullen said rather desperatley, standing up from his chair. He glanced towards Lilly, who was sending him worried looks while scowling at me. "I agree. I think Henry The Caterpillar is a very... interesting example of modern literature, and we should study it!" He exclaimed, his face going red.

I smirked as the class furrowed their eyebrows, and Poppy gave me a 'what the hell' look.

"So glad you agree" I smiled lightly, sitting back down in my seat.

"Samantha, can I ask for your help carrying the Henry The Caterpillar books from Kindergarten, please?" Mr. Dullen sighed, dragging his feet towards the door.

"It would be a pleasure, sir" I stood and walked past him, as he held the door open for me.

"What was that about in English, Sammy?" Poppy exclaimed, furrowing her plucked eyebrows at me.

"I decided I wanted a change from essays on how Shakespere uses his language to not only set the scene, but to carry the emotions of the characters to the reader" I quoted, huffing down the halls after a long day.

I was still debating on whether to tell Pops or not. She wasn't always the best person to tell her secret to, for instance, when I fancied Josh Mogley in seventh grade, she just had to tell his best friend, who, obviously, told him.

Of course, we had been best friends forever, and I felt bad for keeping a secret this major from her, but I wasn't convinced she wouldn't tell on Mr. Dullen and Lilly, and although they deserved punishment, I didn't think prison and expulsion was entirely fair.

"If I get a bad grade for this, I swear, Sam, I swear" She walked off, hips sawying in her skinny jeans.

I sighed, Blackmailing a teacher isn't as easy as you think it would be.


Hello my lovely cool people.

Just so you know, two people share this account and write the story, we don't split chapters, but when we can't think of something, we just fill in the blanks for the other person.

All out love,

Eden and Mimi xx


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