Thats enough! We are going shopping!

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Disclaimer: I don't own spirited away or the media. Btw, this will mostly be in Chihiros pov but I might add a few others too.

Chihiro's POV

I wake up and look out the window. It's a nice sunny Sunday. Perfect weather to go out. What should I do today? Well, what did I do yesterday? Haku!

I jump out of bed, still in my pyjamas, and run to the kitchen. Please don't let yesterday be a dream. Smack! I run into someone and start to fall but someone grabs my arm and pulls me into their chest.

I instantly relax. I don't even have to look up to know I'm with Haku. I know this sounds weird but I'd recognize his smell anywhere.

"Are you okay? You seemed to be in a hurry." Haku asks me. I immediately feel stupid. I probably looked crazy running that fast in the house and to top it off I ran straight into him and would have fell if he hadn't caught me.

Im such a cluts. I can't tell him I was worried that yesterday was a dream.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just wanted to say goodbye to my parents before they left for work. Hahaha." I say while separating myself from him.

"Oh. Speaking of your parents, they told me to let you know that they won't be back till after dark." I can't believe he bought my excuse. Wait, what did he just say? A-a-after dark!?

I look up at Haku and he doesn't seem bothered by it in the least. Of course not. I'm the only one thinking like that. Bad Chihiro!

"Well, you are going to be here for a while right? To blend in with the humans you are gonna have to look the part." I say, trying to change the subject.

"What do you suggest I do?" Haku asks bewildered.

"Change your cloths!" I say excitedly.

"But this is the only outfit I have."

I mentally face palm. "Um, Haku? How long have you been wearing that? Plus normal people don't wear that style anymore."

"About two weeks. Why?" He asks innocently as if he hasn't done anything wrong.

"That's enough! We're going shopping right now!" I yell at him. "And when we get home you are taking a shower!"

"Yes mam!" He says while I grab his arm and pull him to my car.

~ Meanwhile in Yubaba's office~ Yubaba's Pov

I have had enough of that Haku! Just going off to the human world like that. Without even telling me! The nerve of that boy. Spirits and humans are not supposed to mix. That's why we live in two different worlds.

"Henchmen!" I call. My three heads come into my office. "Report!" I command.

"We found him with a human girl that calls herself Chihiro. They arrived at a place where humans get necessities called the mall." The one in the middle says.

Of course. Why didn't I think of that before? The only reason he's there is to see Chihiro. So all I have to do is get rid of that girl and Haku will come back.

"Alright here are my orders."

Chihiro's POV

Haku is so funny. He's acting like he's never been shopping before. But then again, even if he has gone shopping, it wouldn't have been anything like going to the mall.

We are walking out of bath and body works when Haku asks, " So where do we go next?" "Hold on, let me check." I pull out the shopping list I made for him on the way here.

His New World Is Her(Chihiro x haku)Where stories live. Discover now