Chapter 1 - Sweet Goodbyes

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Hello all! I'm sure everyone is thinking "Oh God, Sarah is starting another project!" And you are correct. I can't help myself, this idea popped in my head and I had to go with it before I forgot it!

So characters. I've used some of them in my other stories, but they just fit what's in my head. Most of these are my own characters. I'm on my phone, so it won't let me make one of those fancy character lists, but here is what I'm thinking so far...

Corrine Minor - Phoebe Tonkin

Finn Minor - Dylan O'Brien

Eric Carter - staying Jai Courtney - I also realize I have no idea if Veronica Roth gave Eric a last name, so I'm giving him one.

Drea Artero - Shea Mitchell

Marie Gold - Dianna Agron

Four - will stay Theo James

Ricky West - Evan Peters

Jared Morris - Dave Franco

I'll have more characters along the way. And these are just who I imagine, you don't have to.

I highly doubt I stick to the story line of the actual books too much, probably some significant things from the books I'll use. There is no Tris in my story.

Now after all that rambling and what not, enjoy the first chapter :)



I dream about freedom. Being able to look at myself in the mirror without feeling shame for staring too long.

My faction is Abnegation. We eat minimal food. We must reject vanity. We make our clothing. We barely use electricity. I can't even speak to my parents with out permission.

But since I was little, I've secretly admired the Dauntless from afar. They are the crazy, brave, dangerous, protectors of what is left of the city. And I long to be apart of it.

My twin brother, Finn, we have the same dream. He longs for adventure. I'm not sure I could leave him even if I tried. But we agreed long ago that when our time came to choose a faction, we would choose Dauntless, no matter the outcome of the aptitude test. Because we had to know, we had to know what it felt like to be a part of it.

"Are you two ready for the test today?" My mother asks at breakfast.

We nod silently and look down at our food.

"We know you'll do your best. You know where you belong." My father gives us a small smile that I try to return.

Finn and I leave after we clean up breakfast and walk to where they are holding the aptitude test.

This city, was Chicago. I've seen video clips of the way it used to be and it was magical. Busy streets, cars constantly honking, people everywhere. The way it looks now, is a crumbling wasteland. The tall buildings are cracked and falling apart. The glass windows are shattered. Rust and dirt plastered to their once beautiful exteriors.

"Are you nervous?" My brother asks me.

"A little. But I already know where I'm going." I smile and elbow his side, causing him to smile as well.

"I know. I've just heard not so great things about the test." Finn says.

"Stop worrying. We are about break away from
this sheltered life and start living the one we've dreamed about." I say. Finn nods and continues walking next to me through the streets.

I've never been a good Abnegation. You have to be completely selfless and follow orders. And sometimes I cannot bring myself to do as I'm told. And yet, my parents still insist I choose abnegation as my faction.

We stand in line, separated into factions, as we wait for our turns to take the test. As we wait, I watch. I watch the Erudite in their blue clothes. They are all very intelligent, but their leader also believes them to be superior and wants to kick all of the Abnegation leaders out of office. I watch the Candor, the faction that cannot lie. They hold their heads high and wear their nicely pressed white clothes. I watch the free spirited and hard working Amity. Always happy and always smiling. And I watch the Dauntless, as they jump off of their famous train that runs through the city. They yell and whistle and sprint into line. I can hardly contain my smile.

"Corrine Minor." Someone says. And I step forward to take my test.

"Sit in the chair." The woman in all black states. I watch the ink on her skin move with her muscles as she moves around the room.

"My name is Tori. I'll be the one giving you your test today." She scoffs. I just nod.

She attaches a vile to the end of a needle. She pushes the hair away from neck in one quick motion.

"Good luck." She says quietly, before plunging the long needle into my neck. I wince at the feeling, it makes me feel sleepy and I let my eyes flutter shut.

The room is different when I wake up. Mirrors cover the walls and the floors are wooden. I look at myself in the mirror for a moment. My dark eyes and flushed cheeks, hair pulled into a bun on top of my head. My eyes automatically avert to the ground out of habit.

I whip my body around quickly when I hear a voice.

"Choose your weapon." It says.

"What?" I ask confused. And now in front of me is a knife and a piece of meat.

"Choose now."

My palms are sweaty as I take a step forward, grabbing the knife from the table. I hold it shakily in my hand. Then I hear a loud growling notice behind me. I hold the knife in front of me, prepared to protect myself.

The wolf keep growling. But as it walks towards me, I notice the small baby wolves following her. She has babies...helpless little babies. I lower the knife and take a few steps back. She keeps coming forward.

"Stop. I don't want to hurt you." I tell her.

She's in a stance to jump now.

"Please. Don't." I yell.

The wolf lunges at me so quick I hardly have time to react. I close my eyes and fall back against the floor with the knife in front of me.

"No!" I scream.

And then my mind is pulled back into the testing room. Im sweating and panting loudly.

"It's just a simulation. You're fine." Tori says.

"Wh...what? It was so real. What happened?" I ask out of breath.

"You're dauntless. Barely, but still Dauntless." She says.

"I...I got Dauntless?" I say.

"Yeah Stiff, guess I'll be seeing you around." She says with a small smile. I return the smile as I get off the chair and walk to the door.

"Thanks." I tell her.

She nods and walks back to the computer.

Dauntless. I can freely join the Dauntless faction with no regrets, because it's meant for me. The excitement and adrenalin running through my veins is the best feeling in the world.

I can finally break free.

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