So im dead now?

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Marcus POV:
My ears started to ring, that's all I could hear. Then suddenly it was like I was coming up from underwater. All of the sudden I could hear EVERYTHING! It was amazing. *Pitter patter* it must be raining outside. Running my tongue over my teeth I felt a shiver run down my spine, my incisors were now pointy. They weren't as pointy as my dads or uncle Ashley's or even my moms but they definitely had a sharp point. Where was everyone? *Squeak* I heard a chair move in the kitchen and smelled forest and grease. Ashley. Sniffing the air once again I recognized Jake, Andy and my dads comforting scent. Juliet, mom and uncle Cc must be with Ariel. Placing my arms on either side of me I went to sit up, as soon as I did so I regretted it immensely. "FUCKING AYE MY HEAD HURTS LIKE A BITCH" I yelled in surprise at the pulsing pain in my head. Oops... I wasn't really supposed to swear- hopefully my dad would let it slide in this situation?

Next thing I knew my dad, Jake, Andy and Uncle Ashley were all crowded around me looking a mix of emotions. But all shared two common emotions in their eyes- fear and relief. "Thank god your okay. Head pain is normal to experience right after waking up" my dad hugged me. *THUD* "Mother fucker" I heard my brother groan from next to me. Looking over I saw he was sprawled out on the carpet at awkward angles, he had fallen off the couch. Jake rushed over to him and helped him up and back onto the couch next to me. My dad hugged him next.

Everything was going fine until I felt a strange pain in my throat, almost like a burning. "Jinxx... They are hungry. We can see it in their eyes. Let's take them hunting. Ariel will be fine" Andy said looking at my father concern in his eyes. Was that what I was feeling? Hunger? It must be. "Ok, let's go guys. You will both be amazing hunters-Christian especially." my dad smiled kindly sticking out a hand for each us. Taking his hand i stood up and silently headed to the door. "Your not gonna tell mom we swore right?" I asked blushing. Dad gave me the funniest look: "I think we can forget about it in this situation. Even though she probably heard you". All the other guys chuckled. "Your dad is such a tight ass" Andy whispered in me and my brothers ear making us laugh. My dad rolled his eyes and said "You realize I can hear you right?".

Sliding on our shoes we made our way outside, here we go. My first hunt. Holy fuck. I was gonna do this. I could do this. "Don't be so nervous, we will all help you if you need it. But I seriously doubt you will" Ashley comforted me placing a hand on my shoulder. Nodding I made my way into the woods and took a deep breathe. Inhaling the scents that surrounded me. Besides the guys around me and the house I smelled, tears? And I could hear crying? It sounded like Ariel. "Why is Ariel crying?" both me and my brother asked at the same exact time. Silence. "Umm... She's just having a harder time adjusting. She already fed and woke up" Dad said looking guilty. From the look on his face I could tell he wanted to stop talking about it and my throat was really starting to hurt so I let it go. For now.

Once again I took in the scents that surrounded me. There were several deer, a bear and a mountain lion. How I knew what those animals smelled like I have no idea. My foot instantly took of running, Christian took off in the other. Dad and Andy followed me well Jake and uncle Ashley followed Christian. A couple seconds later I reached the clearing where I knew the Deer were. Perfect. Inhaling their sweet aroma I felt my fangs elongate. Searching the area around me I easily found them, an entire family just standing there and grazing on the tall grass. Without even thinking I pounced letting out a low growl. First I attacked the baby does, then the mom and then the dad.

Never before had I tasted something so amazing and sweet. It tasted nothing like what had been in uncle CC's coffee cup that morning. Blood was like some sweet nectar crafted specially for me by the Gods. But I held true to my promise, I had no desire to kill humans and was still equally disgusted by it. Finally sucking the last drop of heaven out of the large buck I stood up to see Dad and Andy standing a little ways away smiling and talking. "-Finitely your son. He hunts just like you. Marcus is good" Andy said making me blush slightly. This whole super hearing thing was pretty awesome. "Yeah, me and Adrienne are so proud of all three of them. I just hope Ariel can forgive me and you guys" My dad frowned. Wait? Why would she be mad at them. I stayed where I was and continues to listen to the conversation: "Adri and Cc will help her through this. Remember what Adri said, it's his blessing. Maybe it's a sign of something". Dad paused and then spoke "I hope your right. I mean she watched us brutally murder her grandfather. Hopefully it doesn't happen to the boys. Not sure what I would do if all three of my children hated me". What? He killed our grandfather? My mom and dad barely even remember him? I was named after him! How could they do that? That's probably why Ariel was crying. Anger surged through me and I ran. Just ran. Trees and scents flying past me as I ran back to the house. All I wanted to do right now was go sit with Mom and Uncle Cc. They would tell me the truth.

I heard my Dad and Andy chasing me, but they couldn't catch me. Andy came the closest. Suddenly I felt myself being knocked off my feet by a large mass. It was Uncle Ashley. He pinned me down on my back and was looking at me confused: "Why the hell are you running from them?". "Oh, did you help kill my grandfather too" I snarled momentarily shocking him. In his moment of shock I managed to shove him off of me and keep running. Andy, Dad and Ashley were all now incredibly close but I managed to escape their grasp. Finally I saw the house in front of me. Looking at the door I saw it what take too long for me to go inside that way. Instead I followed Ariel's scent to a window and quickly climbed up the side of the house and through the window. My mom looked at me for about 5 seconds: "He knows. We are gonna have to explain it to all three of them. WITH everyone else there" she sighed. Uncle Cc came and hugged me and I practically collapsed into his arms. He gave the best hugs.

About 15 min later:
Everyone was currently sitting in the living room. Me, Ariel, Christian sat with mom and Uncle Cc. All the other guys say on the opposite couch. Jake and Dad looked crushed. Mom spoke first: "So as you guys know, your father and many of the people you have always looked up too and thought of as role models made some mistakes when they were younger. Some pretty big mistakes". "Yeah, and ever since then they have regretted it. They can't take it back and you guys have every right to be mad" Uncle Cc said. "But the way I choose to look at it is my father and your grandfather giving us his blessing to live the life we do. Showing us everything that happened and letting there be no more secrets. Saying that as long as we know everything that happened we can continue with the ones we love. In actuality your grandfather was no saint either. He was a drunk sick man who has cheating on my mom, and was planning on leaving her and me and your uncle in three months and planning to go to Nevada. Sure that's no excuse but we didn't really miss out on much. If your grandfather was still alive I never would have met your father and you guys wouldn't be here" she said tears in her eyes. Uncle Cc's hands which had been on my shoulders previously tightened into fists: "There's no need to lie to the kids, making him sound bad. Sure he had a drinking problem but he was no cheater". My mom opened her mouth to speak but dad cut her off: "Actually C, it's true. The day she came to the house and we talked in her room she showed me the letters. Everything was true". Uncle cc put his head down and I felt his tear splash down on my shoulder. Uncle Ashley came and sat next to him and comforted him. "I guess your right, I still love you guys." my sister smiled through her tears and got up and hugged Dad. Ariel was right. I stood up- Christian followed- and went and hugged dad. Soon we were all hugging each other. Everything was gonna be ok. This family might be crazy and dysfunctional sometimes but in the end everything worked out.

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