3 Days:

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Ariel POV:
"Aren't you excited to turn 17 in 3 days! Your gonna be only one year from an adult" my friend Kelsi asked me sensing my obvious dread for my birthday. Quickly I made up a stupid lie to avoid telling her why I was really dreading it: "Yeah, I guess I just don't want to get old. And wrinkly". She laughed and said "Dude, your only turning 17! NOT 70". Plastering a fake smile on my face I said "Yeah, I guess your right". The topic of my birthday was soon dropped and we began to talk about our favourite band, Pierce the Veil! They had a concert coming up near us and my dad said I could go if I was ready. But apparently it might be hard for me being a newly turned vamp surrounded by all those humans. I would have to be on my best behaviour if I wanted to go.

My brother had a panic attack a couple of days ago from stress and fear, not that I blamed him. Sometimes I felt like I was on the verge of one. Not having Christian in the house was hard but now I understood why it had to be done. After doing some research on the whole mating process, apparently living without your mate could actually make both of them physically and mentally sick. So I guess there really was no other options. I couldn't help but wonder who my mate was and what they were like? Would I know immediately? Were they already a vampire? Ugh, this was so complicated. Hopefully I wouldn't have to wait a bajillion years to find mine and just meet mine soon like Christian. I'm not a super patient person if u couldn't tell.

That day in school I didn't focus like at all. But it didn't even matter, mom and dad said the rest of my school would be online and I could just pick up where I stopped in public schools. Marcus was kinda pissed about the online schooling because he wouldn't be able to play sports anymore but he really didn't have a choice. Speaking of Marcus, he was SUPER MAD right now. Since sectionals was the same day of our birthday so he will be missing it. Last year he missed sectionals too because our parents took all of us on a surprise birthday cruise. We would be graduating this year so it was his last chance to play in varsity sectionals.

But honestly, I was totally freaking out too. Dead and unable to function without blood. That's what I would be in three short days. Kelsi headed in a separate direction for Math class well I was headed to English. Suddenly someone bumped into me, "Hey! Watch where your going" I said angrily as a few of my books fell onto the ground. Kneeling down to pick them up they just got kicked across the hall, what was this dicks problem? Looking up I saw it was Tyler Desak. He just sneered at me: "Oh sorry, didn't see you there ferguson. Is it true your entire family is going crazy? Your brother had a bitch fit in the hallway yesterday and I heard that baby Christian moved out and is living with his BOYFRIEND! Because he's gay" he said snidely, his yellow teeth showing. "Hey Tyler, how about you mind your own fucking business? That would really be great" I snarled before my fist collided with his face. As soon as I heard that satisfying crack I knew I had done my job. Just as I was walking away I felt a big hand grab my shoulder.

Turning around I saw it was Tyler? Next thing I knew he had grabbed a handful of my hair and was pulling, hard. Screeching I kneed him in the nuts, the crowd around us started to cheer. Tyler dropped to the ground once my studded steel toed boots collided with his manhood. Ouch... A teacher jumped in between us, but I saw red. They required two teachers to hold both me and Tyler back from each other. He had a bloody and broken nose, split lip and a soon two black eyes. All I had was a sore scalp and a black eye. Both teachers still holding us they led us to the principals office, just fucking perfect.

About 10 minutes later I found myself in the middle of Mr. Hask's famous lectures. "-Now I know your family experienced a hard thing a couple days ago but that gives you no right to physically or verbally lash out towards others Mrs. Ferguson" he said dryly barely looking at me. "Yeah, because her entire family is gay crazy people" Tyler whispered so only I could hear, my fist clenched but I resisted. This time. "Mr. Hask! He was being a total ass to me! Can you please just call my parents and have them take me home" I asked bored with the conversation at hand. Sighing and mumbling something about his "life choices" he grabbed the phone: "Hi Mrs. Ferguson. It's Mr. Hask, your daughters principal. She got in a little skirmish today-yes she's ok but that's really not why I called you-. You see I need to talk to you and your husband and then you have to take her home with you". "Ms. Ferguson please go sit in the office with the secretary's on the couch until your parents arrive and I talk to them" he ushered me out and pointed at the couch.

The couch was an old smelly couch that used to be pink but is now stained with cigarette butts, saliva, urine, sweat, whatever the secretary's spill on it and who knows what else. Dad swears that couch has been longer then him. After sitting there for about 5 minutes my parents walk in, they don't look mad. Actually they look almost pitiful, ugh! I can't stand when people take pity on me. Tyler came and sat next to me on the "couch" and I was forced to endure sitting next to him until my parents came out.


"Honey if you need to talk all of us here" my mom sighed talking her long nails on the counter. Rolling my eyes I said "GUYS! I was basically fine until he called our family crazy!". Dad frowned: "Honey, they just don't understand. In 3 days everything will be more normal, don't worry. Just don't let them get to you". I guess he was sorta right. Nodding I went and pulled both of them into a group hug. We would all be fine. Eventually...

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