Chapter 7 - It's all good,right?

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I woke up,showered and got dressed nice because my parents had a meeting to attend to and they wanted to take me.
I thought nothing could go wrong that for the first time I will actually have a good time.
I looked for my parents and when I found them your not gonna believe what happened.
"Hi mom,hi dad"I greeted to my parents who just stood there looking at me with angry faces and their arms crossed.
"Pacifica"My mother said and I remembered they where very strict when it came to manners.
"Oh right I'm sorry.goodmorning mother,goodmorning father."I greeted
"You thought we wouldn't forget did you?"My father,Preston said
"Umm for get what dad?"I asked nervously Dipper and I forgot to erase my parents memory.
"Why do you date this peasant Pacifica?"Mom asked I was angry she called him a peasant.
I put my fist.
"He is not a peasant he is my friend and for the record everyone that's not us is a peasant to you"I yelled to my parents.
"Pacifica Elise Northwest go to your room and you are never to talk with that boy or his family"Preston grounded me.
But I was just being nice to people.
When I'm nice they don't like it
when I'm mean they like it ugh!
I want to be a nice girl.
I ran to my room with tears in my eyes.
I can't believe they did that and to think it was all good for now.

At the Mystery Shack...
"Goodmorning Mabel!"Dipper greeted stepping out of his bed.
"Goodmorning Dipper"She greeted back
Everything seemed good and normal like nothing bad was gonna happen.
"Don't you just have a good feeling"Dipper took a deep breath.
"Yea even Waddles thinks that,right Waddles"Mabel said poking one of Waddles cheeks.
"Oink!"Waddles ran to the window.
"Hey Waddles!Mabel get your pig out of the window!"Dipper shouted
"Dipper he's sensitive and you know he didn't mean it."Mabel took Waddles out of the window
"Dipper look"Mabel pointed when she saw Pacifica on her way to the Mystery Shack.
"Is that Pacifica?"He asked
"Ugh tha' unless it's the shapeshifter"Mabel pointing at her again looking at Dipper.
"Maybe that's why Waddles came up the window"Dipper said
"Nice work Waddles!"Mabel picked Waddles little leg and hi fived him.
Waddles oinked.
Mabel giggled.
Dipper just hit his face with his hand.
"I'm gonna go change"Dipper said pointing out the door.
"Ok"Mabel giggled while she was tummy tickling Waddles.
Dipper walked to the bathroom and changed into his normal clothes.
He went downstairs and saw Grunkle Stan making breakfast.
"Hey Grunkle Stan"He greeted waving his hand.
"Hey kiddo"Stan was busy making breakfast so Dipper went to watch television.
'Knock knock knock'
He heard a knock on the door.
When he opened it he wasn't surprised it was Pacifica.
"Hey Pacifica what's up?"Dipper said sweating
"Umm hi Dipper can I stay here umm my parents are gone on to a very important convention and I felt alone so I came here"Pacifica lied.
'For real this is my chance!!!'Dipper thought
"Umm sure why not"Dipper let her in.
"Thanks Dipper"Pacifica came in.
Pacifica didnt want to look at him she felt nervous.
"Umm Grunkle Stan can Pacifica stay here?"Dipper asked
"Kid you think I didn't hear you of course she can stay but just to make sure don't show her secret stuff or anything that she can steal"Stan whispered into Dipper's ear
"Ok,Grunkle Stan but for the record she is not like her parents"Dipper took Pacifica to the room she will be staying.
"Umm see ya-"Dipper was cut off by Pacifica
"Dipper there's something I need to tell you"Pacifica closed her eyes.
"What's wrong Pacifica?"Dipper held her hand.
Pacifica tried to talk but nothing came out of her mouth.
'How can I explain it to him' Pacifica thought
----------To be continued---------
Dear readers:
Sorry for the cliffhanger I've been impatient to make one and so I did!
The next update will hopefully be published soon but my new school starts August 10 so maybe I will update soon.
And special thanks to x---CoOkiE---x for encouraging me with your comment I can't believe my book is your favorite thanks so much!!!!!
If it wasn't for your comment I wouldn't have updated today!!!
Also thanks to all of you for reading,voting,commenting and following!
I'm so happy I have made it this far and I hope I keep reaching to the top!
Keep the good comments going!!!
~Natalia J.

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