Ch. 3: Motel

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Chapter 3: Motel

Though I didn't know it when I was boarding that plane, I hated flying. Before then, I'd been on three other planes, the one we'd been on to get to Australia, and when I was maybe twelve, my dad took Beatrice, Olin and I to Florida for a week and we took a plane there, and one back. So my total flying experience, totaled to flights that were no more then two to three hours. The flight from Australia to Retchin was, at the very least, fourteen hours. And I can definitely say it was not pleasant. 

In the interest of being discreet and staying off the radar, we were on a flight hosted by a crappy, little-known airline called Aeronautical Expedition. Aeronautical Expedition flew all over the world, but they were little known because they were crappy, and because they had a bad reputation for allowing illegal substances on planes. 

Anyways, Cyric and I boarded, me still grumbling about the pill he'd forced down my throat and, though he didn't say anything, I was pretty sure he was amused. The lady checking passports, and tickets looked up. "I'm sorry," She said to me. "You're Fred?" she asked.

"Um," I said. "No, he's Fred," I answered, faking a smile I really hoped was convincing. 

"Oh, so you're Alex," She said, giving me a slightly confused smile. I nodded. "May I see your passports?" She asked, going through standard protocol. Cyric nudged my arm and gave me a weak smile. I glared at him, immediately understanding and hating it. 

"Oh, um, you don't need our passports, but, everything else is in order," I said, glaring at Cyric as I spoke. He shot me a grin as the lady blinked and then smiled.

"You may board," She said. Cyric wound his arm around my waist and I crossed my arms. 

"Take your hands off of me," I told him as we walked down the hall to where the plane met the side of the building. 

"I still don't get why you needed to steal the tickets," He replied, ignoring my comment. 

"You're really getting on my nerves," I informed him. 

"That may be the medicine I gave you, not sure how well it works," He said. I turned on him. 

"I'm sorry, did you just say you're not sure how it works?" I asked, jabbing a finger at his chest. "You forced me to take a pill that could've... could've... I dunno! Killed me or something!" I exclaimed.

"Voice down," He said. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms again. 

"You're insufferable," I told him. He grinned and walked onto the plane. Moodily, I followed him.


We were seated in 'economy' class, although, I admit that there didn't seem to be a big difference between economy and business. I was in the window seat and Cyric was on my left, next to him was a seat that was yet to be filled although I was sure someone would show up soon. I hit my palms against my knees in anticipation, already getting nervous. "When is this thing going to take off?" I muttered. I ran a hand through my hair.

"Nervous?" Cyric asked. 

"No, not at all," I replied, as casually as I could. He gave me a disbelieving look but didn't say anything. Someone came and sat down next to Cyric, a young man who was scribbling in a notebook. The plane started moving down the landing strip, gaining speed before takeoff. I gripped the arm rest so tightly that my knuckles turned white and squeezed my eyes shut.

After what felt like eternity, I heard Cyric's voice. "We're up in the air, Rosalyn," He whispered to me. Slowly I opened my eyes. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" He asked.

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