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I push a heavy trolley through the endless aisles of the City Supermarket. Even though food shopping with my Mum and aunt is unbelievably tiring, I wouldn't give it up for the world. Partly because I always have a million things to buy and mostly because I love the way they annoy each other.

"Are you sure you got the butter?" My Mum asks, turning around to recheck all the items in the trolley.

"I'm pretty sure you got half the supermarket." My aunt mutters from behind me and I giggle.

"You remember the last time you went grocery shopping?" Mum queries Kris with a sweet smile.

"Hmmm..." Kris muses, her perfect eyebrows knitting together in a little frown. "No."

"Yeah, that's because you never did." Mum reproaches. "So shut up."

Kris sticks her tongue out at Mum as my phone buzzes in my pocket. I whip it out to find Trisha's number flashing on the screen. I hand the trolley over to Kris and move to an isolated area in order to speak to Trisha in peace.

"Hello, wierdo." I greet into the phone.

"Did you know that some turtles can breathe through their butts?" Trisha sniggers.

"Did you call me just to say that?"

"Yeah." She says and I chortle.

I hear the door behind me click open and I feel someone pull me back into a dingy room. I notice a few box-filled shelves before the door is closed again and the room turns pitch black.

I begin to shriek but a quick hand covers my mouth. I hear Trisha's concerned words muffled against the fabric of my shirt and I try to wriggle out of the stranger's firm grip.

"Shhhh, love." He whispers into my ear and I instantly cease my efforts. I manage to end Trisha's call. "It's just me."

"Dylan!" I squeal and swivel around to face him. "What're you doing here?!"

"Can you think of a better place to meet up with the love of your life than a supermarket's store room?" He asks in a playful tone.

"You're creepy." I inform him.

"Tell me about it." He says.

I feel him move and then I hear a click. An ancient bulb sluggishly comes to life and casts a warm orange glow over us. I brush the back of my hand against the stubble on his cheek, wondering how I ever thought him to be unattractive.

"How can someone so beautiful be mine?" He says quietly and I recall how I look; incredibly frizzy hair pulled up into a messy bun, puffy eyes that never seem to lose those dark circles (No, potatoes! You never work!), and a lovely little pimple that has comfortably lodged itself at the side of my nose. Who gets a pimple on their nose!?

I hastily pull the grimy string and turn the light off.

"What did you do that for?" He asks and turns it back on.

"Turn it off!" I moan and yank the string again, but the light doesn't go off this time. I watch his lips curve into a naughty grin. Damn! He's controlling it!

I whine and bury my face in his chest.

"Don't hide your face from me." He pleads. He hooks a thumb beneath my chin and lifts my head up. "I've been without it long enough."

I groan and he smiles and brushes a strand of my hair off of my eyes. I notice something on his right wrist.

It's a mark that is an exact mirror image of the birthmark on my left arm. I grab hold of his hand and I raise mine up for him to see.

"Look." I tell him. He gazes down at our hands and smiles. "Does it mean anything?" I ask.

"Yeah." He answers. "More proof that you're mine and that you always have been."

I gaze into his suddenly intense eyes as he slowly pulls me up into his arms. His hand twists into my hair and I give in to his command.

Just as my face is mere inches away from his and my heart is hammering in its cage, a small but brilliant star-shaped symbol comes to existence right below our mark on his hand.

"The Staretts." He breathes and gently lowers me onto my feet. I begin wailing inside. "I have to go. It's urgent."

After a quick peck on the forehead, he tries to unwind his arms from around me, but I grab onto him. "No!" I snarl petulantly.


"I'm coming with you." I order.

He sighs in relief.

"But I don't know when I'll be able to get you back home." He says and I frown.

"Doesn't matter. I'm coming with you. That's it."

"Okay! Hold on tight, baby." He directs and I clutch him harder.

As he prepares himself for our personal take-off, I cling to my Death with all my strength. I cling to my Death as if my life depends on it.

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