Chapter 3

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Connor's POV

I didn't know what to do. I'm guessing niether did she because we just stood there staring at each other for the next few minutes.

"I'll be right back."she broke the stare, "Don't touch anything." and walked away, down the side hallway.

When she disappeared, I roamed around. I didn't necessarily touch anything until a piece of paper sticking off the side of the cabinet caught my attention. I grabbed it and began to read it.


Remember to take your medication every morning, if you have any problems call your doctor. Don't go anywhere unless you're with Kelly or Nathan.


At the end was a number, I'm assuming the doctor's number.

Medication..... I stuffed the note into my pocket.

There was a crash, a few rounds of violent screams, banging, and it ended with a thud. I rushed down the hallway to find the room Ever walked into, found it, and had to ram into it with my side to brake it open.

On the floor in a pool of blood laid Ever, covered in tiny shards of the mirror, which was broken down to almost nothing.

Her fists were covered in blood, clearly a lot was lost. I knew I couldn't just stand there, so I picked her up and attempted to shake her concious.

"Why am I bleeding? Who are you? Why are you in my house?"she began to panic

I was slightly confused, being the fact that several minutes ago she knew exactly who I was and clearly didn't like me very much.

"I'm Connor and I'm trying to help you."I went along with it instead of fighting back, possibly causing more problems if I didn't.

Almost going back to clean up the blood in the bathroom, I realized she was still bleeding. I took my shirt off and handed it to her, "Wrap this around your hands and keep it there until I come back."

She did as I told her, and I walked off to the bathroom. The mess took at least ten minutes to clean up, and when I was done I walked out to Ever and told her to change into different clothes. Her entire left side was stained red. After she came back, we left. I had a hoodie in the back of my car, so I slipped that on before I drove off.

"Where are you taking me?"She asked after being quiet for a few.minutes

"To my house."I said


"Because I'm supposed to."

"Why are you supposed to?"

"Because I was told to."

"Are you a pimp or something?"

Now I'm positive the 'old' Ever is still there and she's just trying to mess with me.

Luckily, we got stuck in traffic, so she took advantage of the moment and decided to start playing 20 questions as if I knew everything.

"How did you meet me?"Ever asked

"My brother took you home and you were laying on my living room floor bruised and beat up."I said

"Who's your brother?"


"Riley....he sounds like he'd be in a band..."

I laughed, "Oh you have no idea."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2013 ⏰

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