Capitulus III

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"Wait...what?" Phoenix was less surprised than what she had thought. "When? Not today I hope. I have -"

"An interrupted conversation to finish?" Zack finished off with a small grin on his features.

A mission was what every new SOLDIER wanted to go on. They were excited when an opportunity came up and they were just as ecstatic when they got to go on one. Phoenix had thought that she was going to be very similar to that - jumping up and down and speaking non - stop. On the contrary, she was unamused and ticked off. Of all the times to be told about this, it just had to be after her lunch break that the Director had decided to call them in.

"Plans, actually."

Director Lizard couldn't help but smile from his leather seat, adjusting his glasses ever so slightly.
"Phoenix," He calmly addressed her, "SOLDIER 1st Class, Genesis has not reported back to us and has abandoned his current task. We must find out what's going on and why. "We cannot have 1st class - our elites - going against us."

Phoenix hung her head with a sigh, her shoulders drooping in sadness and her tone was regretful. "I understand, Sir."

Lizard looked to Zack as he reclined in his chair. "Zack, I'm promoting you to 1st class for this mission to see how well you cope in the field. Angeal will be helping you two on this mission." Now, he addressed everyone in the room. "Remember, keep your attention on the task at hand at all times, don't allow the enemy to see your back and never take your eyes off your target. The helicopter leaves at 22:00 hours. Do not, under any circumstances, be late. I have faith in you to find out what's going on. Good luck."

Phoenix began to walk towards the lift after giving a confident salute. Lizard, however, had called her back.

"Yes, Sir?" She acknowledged his calling and stood in front of his desk.

"I have been told by Iona that you talk to your friend on a regular basis." He gave a small smile. "Genesis had always said that you took any chance you could to see him. He had said that you are a 'protective wolf' towards him."

Phoenix blinked, obviously embarrassed and highly confused by the statement. "I guess that's down to opinion, Sir." She managed. "I didn't even know I was thatprotective."

The director chuckled warmly. "Well, I am led to believe that he is right. Angeal seems to think that you are a 'lazing rabbit' in the morning and then a 'hyped up levirate' in the afternoon." He chuckled again as Phoenix opened her mouth to speak, but quickly shut it again. "However, Genesis did say that you are a very talented SOLDIER that, when given the chance, will use whatever talents you must to complete a task. Due to this being a mission that may involve many, I am expecting to try out a few. However, don't worry if you don't get a chance. No one wants you as the centre of attention out there. Be careful and stay with Zack whenever you can. That is all."

Phoenix saluted. "Yes, Sir. Thank you." She spun on her heel and left the office for the elevator, grinning the whole while.

It was quarter past nine at night. What did that mean? Everything.

"I hear you're going on a mission." Cloud was upbeat like always.

Phoenix nodded, leaning back against the wall of the hanger. Her arms were crossed over her chest and her head looked away from Cloud. She gave a humph in reply. "Yeah."

He looked at her. "You don't sound excited." There was a small silence. "Phoenix, you've been pouting for the past hour. What's wrong?"

She sighed, allowing her arms to relax to her sides and looked down to the floor. "Nothing serious." This time, she stared at the helicopter in front of her. "Just scared. For the first time in the past ten years of my life, I've re-discovered what it feels like to not know whether I'm gonna survive or die. The general fears everyone has when they're about to go on a mission. According to the nurse, they fade in time and people get used to them."

"You'll be fine. It's not like they're forcing you to charge in head on." Cloud gave a smile in her direction, cheekily adding a muffled 'hopefully' at the end.

Phoenix glared slightly at him; it was long lived: that cheeky smile that was plastered on face caused her to laugh, clinging onto her sides. "I'm guessing that I might miss your birthday. If I do, we'll celebrate as soon as I return and I'll tell you everything I can. And lunch will be on me and I'll get you a little tiara to wear on you head." She clasped her hands together and placed them near her heart, sighing dreamily. "Awe. You'd look so adorable."

Candidates 2766 and 3209, please board your assigned aircraft. Take off will be in five.

"Oh, that'll be my leave." Phoenix smiled at Cloud. "If I get injured, I'll call you. If I end up feeling a little bit dead, I'll make sure to have my ghost tickle you every morning with feathers from my pillow." The look of fake terror on Cloud's face sent her into a fit of giggles. "Only joking. I'll call you when we're on the way back." She began walking towards the helicopter.

"Hey, Phoenix?"

She turned. "Yup?"

"Stay safe for me would you? I don't fancy wanting news that my best friend decided to go all crazy against the enemy and get herself killed. Particularly when you have your temper tantrums."

Phoenix laughed. "I'll be careful. Trust me. Message me if you can over the next few hours." She waved her hand in farewell, turned and jogged over to the helicopter in order to catch up to Zack.
"Man, this is going to fun." Was the last thing she mumbled, even though it was sarcastically, before getting onto the helicopter.


A/N: I published this on Quotev first (I'm on that a lot more often) so, due to my dormant state on here, I'm playing catch up now. I've also been starting the first few chapters of the following book. Not going to be published until this one is complete so you don't skip 20% of the story since this is all important to the actual story of Phoenix.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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