Accusations and Confessions

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[ A/N - I'm sorry to everyone that it took this long to update this book! Thank you for standing by and all of the support on my story. I hope you enjoy this next part ]

Lena sat behind her desk...still taking in the words her adopted son had just bestowed upon her. She was appalled by the behavior of Connor's father... but what shocked her even more was what had happened between the two boys on the trip. She was surprised...beings that Jude was against labels, or even experimentation last time they'd chatted about this.

Taking a deep breath, she returned her attention back to her son and said, "Thank you for telling me Jude, I appreciate it. But you do know that I'm going to have to file a report, and contact Connor's father to meet with me and Montè, right?"

Jude took in a sharp breath, closing his eyes and slowing nodding in response. Lena gave him a warm smile, getting up to make a phone call.

Jude knew this wasn't going to end well, especially with Connor. He wasn't even as worried about Connor's father's reaction as he was his 'friends'. Connor and he had promised it would be their little secret to keep, and that they'd discuss it at another time.

"You think I hit my son in the face?" Mr.Stevens questioned, a look of offense on his facial features. He was dressed professionally in a suit and tie... Connor sat directly next to him sporting his latest bruise that ran along his eye.

Lena and Montè shared a glance... turning their attention back to Mr.Stevens.

"Adam...that's what happened according to Jude. He said that he'd saw it in the woods the morning of us returning back home." Lena responded, hands folded firmly on her desk...her face showing no particular expression.

"You've got it all wrong Lena. I assure you that it was a simple mistake. See, I had drove down to the campsite to check and see how things were going. I decided to take a walk through the woods, beings Connor wasn't in his tent. When I found him and Jude 'talking', I let them finish and than I asked Connor to talk. And than we walked away to talk in private. That's all that happened." Adam finished off, drawing in a deep breath.

Lena's eyebrows furrowed in confusion..."Than how do you explain the cut above his eye, Adam?" She questioned, pointing at the lid of Connor's eye where the bruise lay.

Adam made eye contact with his son, almost communicating a message through his eyes...He turned to face Montè and Lena again.

"Simple. As we were walking to a more private spot in the woods, Connor wasn't paying attention, and walked face first into a tree. One of the lower branches cut his eye." He responded with ease. Lena nodded...still unsure about the whole situation.

"Connor, do you mind stepping out for a minute so we can talk to your dad?" Lena asked the boy, him simply nodding in response, leaving the office and going to catch up to Jude.

He wasn't at all happy.

"Adam, we've been hearing that you are homophobic and have been making some remarks to Connor about his apparent feelings for Jude." Lena challenged, looking for any sudden change in Adam's expression.

Adam remained composed,"I'm not homophobic. I have nothing against gay people."

Lena rolled her eyes, scooting forward a little in her chair, "Than explain what we've heard than. Because you could fool others, but you can't fool me."

"I have nothing to explain, and no intentions of fooling anyone Lena. I don't have a problem with your son being ga-" Lena slammed her fist down on the desk, standing to get in Adam's face.

"Mr.Stevens my son is against labels, and his sexuality, no matter what it may be, is none of your concern. And neither is your son's." She replied with a strong and defensive tone in her voice.

Adam huffed in response,"Lena, I don't have anything against Jude I can promise you that. And I wouldn't lay my hands on my son. I wouldn't even think about it."

Lena sighed...she didn't know what to believe. But she knew that Mr.Stevens was hiding something. Her thoughts were interrupted as Montè chimed in to voice her opinion.

"Lena...I think Mr.Stevens is telling the truth...and without liable cause, we can't write a report to the board. It would only backfire on us in the long run."

Lena knew Montè was right, without proof of reason for what had taken place...and without liable cause they couldn't file a report or even press charges. Although she felt it was wrong, she nodded in response. Bidding farewell to Adam with a

She ran a hand through her hair as the door shut, leaving her and Montè alone to discuss business as usual.

"Why did you tell your mom what happened?" Connor questioned as he caught up with Jude in the hallway. He wanted an answer, and he wasn't going to let up until he got one. They both know what took place in those woods during the camping trip, and what happened in the aftermath.

Jude sighed, "I was worried about you, Con."

Connor shook his head, stopping to the side of the hallway to talk more privately..."I appreciate you caring Jude...But now my dad is going to KILL me for the school finding out about this..." He trailed off, pointing to the bruised up and bloody scar on his upper eye.

Jude flinched as the memories flooded back into his mind. The sound of fist connecting with the bone of Connor's eye. The yells of Connor's disapproving father... The cries escaping Connor's mouth as the fist connected with his eye. He shook off the thoughts, directing his attention back at Connor.

"You didn't tell your mom, about what we did in the woods...right?" Connor questioned, a look of fright crossing his features.

Jude froze for a second, responding with a whispered,"No." Connor nodded in response, he and Jude walking to their next class in complete silence.

This wasn't the end of this battle. Both of them knew it in the back of their minds... where their feelings lay.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2015 ⏰

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