chapter 2

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After Proffesor Potter explained the Hogwarts rules, the head boy, Demetry Weasly who Cassi told me was Harry Potter's best friend Ron Weasly's son's son, showed the boys to the Hufflepuff dormintories. The head girl, Ellie showed us to the dormintories. She led us down a flight of stairs in the Entrance Hall, to a still life portrait of fruit.

"The password is-" she turned from us to the painting."Blibberworths" she said. The painting slid to the side and we gathered in. There was a stone fire place, surrounded by  soft black couches and armchairs. Well some of the armchairs were yellow. There were yellow and black cloths draped on the banisters. There were two stairwells. Ellie led us up the stair well on the left. There were doors labled: 1st years, 2nd years, 3rd years, and so on. Ellie showed the first years were our things were. I quickly found my things at the foot of a bed with yellow and black sheets and curtains on the side. I noticed all the girls had the same bed. The walls were painted a very pale yellow. Ellie left us to unpack.

Cassi pulled out a picture of a man, who looked about fith year in Hogwarts. He was a Hufflepuff, I could tell by his tie. The top of the poster was labled:


"Who's that?" I asked, pointing to her poster.

"Oh, he was in the tri-wizard compettition with Harry Potter. He was killed by Lord Voldemort." she said. I nodded, noticeing that above his name was:


Cederic Diggory was very hansdome. I stared at her poster for awhille, but stopped when I heard some giggle. I turned around. A girl with dark hair held up by a clip was giggling. She wasn't giggling at me. She was giggling at her poster. I noticed every girl in the room had the same poster. I clapped my hands.

"Why don't we just get a giant copy and put it in the common room?" I joked. But a girl in the corner indeed pulled out a very large copy of it. Much larger than I pictured, and ran downstairs. We all followed her. Some guys groaned when they saw us. One guy got up and left. I knew they were just joking though.

"Okay everyone, I have the scheadules," Ellie said. We ran up to her and retrived our scheadules. Actualy, all the first years had the same scheadule, and second years had their own, and so on.

Classes started tomorow. It was getting dark so I told Cassi I was going to get to sleep. She nodded and fell asleep herself.

The next morning, I woke up and Cassie wasn't there so, I got dressed in my robes, and headed to the Great Hall where everyone was eating breakfast. I found Cassie a sat down next to her, scooping some food onto my plate.

"You slept in, better hurry, we don't want to be late for potions." Cassie said. I nodded, I was starving anyways, so I scarfed down my food, and Cassie and I were actually EARLY. The teacher was half asleep, he had silver hair cut two inches bellow his ear, but it was cut sort of like a girl might wear it. His name was writting itself over and over again on a chalk board:

Professer Sazery.

He snorted, waking himself up. By now, there was an entire class sitting at various tables. I noticed that Ravenclaw first years also had this class.

"Oh, excuse me for snoozing off, I assure you it wont happen again" Professer Sazery said, his voice, slightly raspy. We all nodded.

"Okay, well welcome to potions. Today we will be learning how to make the Boil Cure Potion." he motioned toward the blackboard, it erased itself and started writing ingrediants. Then he motioned toward a supply cabinent, it opedned and began to fill itself with certain ingrediants. "For directions in detail, turn to page 11 in your  potions book. Anything you need is in there" he motioned toward the cabinent again and with that, he was out, snoring again.

I looked at Cassie. She flipped to the correct page in her book, then she grabbed a vile from the table. I followed her actions, and we got to work. I stood up and crept to the cabinent and grabbed the items I would need for the first step. I poured the correct amount into the vile, and it turned a shade of purple.

I glanced at the book and it stated it should be a purple I smirked and continued to work.

About 2 hours passed and everyone was finishing up. I started to clean up my things and put them back.

I bumped into a girl with aburn hair that was curly and ended at her jaw. Ingredients and supplies went everywhere. The professer shot right up. The girl began to speak and this told me she was Ravenclaw.

"I'm sorry sir, I am pleading for you to axcept my single apology. It wasn't her doing, it happened to be mine, I had lost my footwork and crashed into her" she said. The professer looked at us and sighed.

The Ravenclaw girl had a very fluent vocubulary and very complicated.

The professer spoke. "Okay, you guys better hurry, it's almost time for your next class." he sighed and snored off again.

The Ravenclaw girl's eyes widened. "I think we'll talk later, I better hurry." she said, and then she was gone.

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