A Hufflepuff's story

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Now, I know Hufflepuffs are not very known. Gryfindors are brave Ravenclaws are smart. Slytherins are mean and they only have tons of stories because he-who-must-not-be-named. And Hufflepuffs are... they're sweet. That's it. There are no stories or whatever. Gryfindor and Slytherin are obviously popular. And Ravenclaw shouldn't be popular, but Harry Potter once dated a Ravenclaw and sudenly... BANG! Popular. Well here is my story. A story of a Hufflepuff:

I ran my fingers through my hair. When will he be here? I exhalled, then glanced at our clock. It was a wizard clock. I smiled. His train just arrived. I sat in my chair waiting anxiously. Sudenly, the flames in our fire place rose up, turning an electric green color. I rose from my chair.

When the flames died down, my brother stood in the ashes of Foo Powder. A tall, slim, figure. He had jet black hair he combed neatly. His eyebrows were thick leaving signs of pety laughing.

"Derrick!" I exclaimed, embracing him in a large hug. He pushed himself away. "So how was Hogwarts? This mean you'll be starting your fourth year when I get to start my first year!"

He just groaned "Ya, I'll be shocked if you're in Slytherin like the rest of the family." he said.

Yep, my entire family is Slytherin. But me. Well, we don't know yet, but we are pretty sure. I don't act like it,  and I have none of the physical features. Most Slytherins have dark hair, or one year, aparently there was a bleach blonde, Draco Malfoy, but he still looked sinister and such.

I have strawberry blonde hair. Or for those who have absolutly no idea what that is, it's a cross between a blonde and a red head. And my eyebrows are thin and slightly arched over my blue eyes. My skin is flawless, and I have pretty good tan. Or maybe it's just because I'm used to my family's sickly pale and slighty green skin. And, I'm not like showing  my rib cage and I don't have a super model figure, but, I'm not fat. Just average, you know. And I'm not tall, and not a midget. I am shorter than normal. But ya you get the picture.

I waited for my parents to arive. First came my mom. She is really tall and "rib-cage" thin. She has stringy black hair, whick she barely every brushes. And when she does brush it, it frizzes up. When she saw me waiting, she sneered. "stop staring Dorea, it's very rude." and she stalked off.

Next my father came. He's short fat and balding. The exact oposite of my mother. He is always bragging about how he used to be a Death Eater for the Dark Lord, before he (the Dark Lord) was destroyed. Now, he just tromped pass me paying very little attention to my presence.

****When Hogwarts Starts****

I sprinted through the wall that stood dividing the regular train station from the Hogwarts Express. When I got through, I stopped in my tracks. The train was huge. It was five times bigger than a normal train at least. I boarded staring in awe and excitment.

I sat down in an empty area. About a minuete later, another first year girl walked in.

"Oh!" she said in surprise. "I'm sorry, I thought it was empty." she said starting to leave.

"No, no, it's fine, you can stay. I'm Dorea." I said. The girl smiled hugely. She had short blonde hair and green eyes. She was about the same size as myself.

"I'm Cassiopea. But call me Cassi" she said. I nodded.

"So are you starting your first year at Hogwart too?" I asked.

"Yep. And so is my twin sister, Maisie. Though, I think she'll get Ravenclaw. I want Hufflepuff." she explained. "What do you think you're going to get?"

"I don't know, my entire family is Slytherin-" Cassi gave a little gasp. "But I am absolutely different from them, it's wierd" I said. Cassi gave an excited chirp.

"Well I hope you're in Hufflepuff. Well only if I'm in Hufflepuff." she said. We talked the entire train ride. About half way there we changed into our robes. Finally the train stopped. When we emerged outside, we followed the voice saying: 'First yers' this way'' we glanced over a very very large man with a very very thick beard.

He took us to some boats and we climbed abord and soon enough, we could see the large castle in the distance. The man told us his name was Hagrid and he taught Magical creatures. Hagrid led us to a large hallway is front of two large doors. Then, a women cam out of the doors. She was an witch in her sixties.

"Just wait her for a few moments, and walk to any empty seats when the doors open. She walked through the doors and a few minuetes later, the doors opened and we walked in. I found two empty seats and Cassi and I sat there.

We waited patiently, then A man with jet black hair with bangs combed thoughtly off the the side. He had green eyes and wide rimmed glasses stood on his nose. He had a goatee as well. He stood up to the pedistal

"I am Albus Severus Potter. I am headmaster at Hogwarts. And to answer the question many first years may ask, yes my father was Harry Potter, who yes defeated Lord Voldemort. You may call me Professer Potter. I am your headmaster. Now, first years, will be sorted by our old Sorting hat. Let the Sorting begin" he gestured toward an old witch's hat, which started to sing.

Now listen here,

all Hogwart students

new and old we gather

I now tell a story of four founders

Godric Gryfindor was brave

Salzaar Slytherin Cruel

Rowena Ravenclaw was witty

and Helga Hufflepuff smart

These four fonunders they sorted

the brave into Gryfindor

the pure bloods into Slytherin

smarts and nerds went to Ravenclaw

and the kind and sweet went to Hufflepuff

Now first years will be sorted

into one of the four

so step on up and try me on and thus you will be SORTED!

The witch we met in the hallway, stood up and started calling out names.I waited patiently untill my name was called.

"Narcissa, Dorea" I walked up nervously.

The hat was placed on my head.

"Hmmm a toughy. Entire family Slytherin. Though, heart of a-" he stopped.

"HUFFLEPUFF!" it screamed. I was directed towaard a table with yellow and black table cloths. Cassi was right after me.

"HUFFLEPUFF!" it shouted. Cassi was the last student to be called. When Cassi sat down, tons of food covered the table. I was home. More at home than ever.

When I was going to sit down, I shot a look at the Slytherin table. My brother was staring at me, open mouthed, and wide eyed. I chucked, and went to take my seat.


Ok, I have a contest, it will go one throughout the entire book.

So here it is:

A character contest. I want you all to give me descriptions, gender, name, personality and house. If you give me your character descriptions in the comment section bellow, I will use your character GAURANTEED!

Unless... unles your character is stupid.....



K! vote comment ect.

Luv you all <3<3<3 E> E> E>

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