Potter Potter!!

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On that faithful night, Harry and Lilly both survived, protected by James' love. Now they must fight this battle against Voldemort, facing people they once trusted and learn to trust other's that seem unlikley friends. Will they win against Voldemort's ruthless attacks? Or will they go down together protecting the onels they love and join James in the sky above?

Chapter 1: Harry's Girlfriend

Harry Potter yawned, stretched and kicked off his blankets. His mother was calling him to the kitchen. Harry was 15 years old and had just gotten home from school yesterday. It was 9 in the morning, figures, he thought to himself, Mum would get me up early on the first day of Vacation. Of course she had no idea he had been up all night writing to his friends. Harry yawned again and forced himself out of bed and walked into the bathroom across the hall from his bedroom. 

“Harry! Are you up yet?” Lily Potter called from the kitchen.

“Yes, mum,” Harry replied still groggy. He washed his face and went to the bathroom. He walked back to his bedroom and pulled on some clothes then went to the kitchen before his mom yelled again.

“’Bout time!”

“Mum, it’s vacation, can’t I sleep late?”

“But you’re up already.” Harry smiled, his mom always made smart alec comments like that. She had a great sense of humor. She had always been liked by everyone, just as Harry was. “Who’s coming over today?”

“Oh, Ron and Hermione.”

“I like Hermione, why aren’t you dating her?”

“I told you last year, I see her as a friend, besides she and Ron are dating.”

“Since when?” Lily demanded.


“So when are you going to get a girl and keep her?”

“Mum!” Harry practically yelled, even though Lily was kidding. Lily laughed and ruffled Harry’s hair, making it even messier. Harry had inherited his father’s, James Potter, hair, which it was always messy, no matter what they did. But he had his mother’s eyes, a sparkling jade green. 

“I was just kidding with you Harry!” Lily told her son, still laughing. Harry mumbled something that Lily couldn’t hear. 

“And I have a girlfriend anyway.”

“Harry, you must tell me these things, who is she?” Harry grinned, he loved keeping these kinds of things from his mum. An hour later Harry was still not telling his mother who he was dating, it was too much fun. 


Ronald Weasley grumbled as his mother fussed over the state of his appearance. It didn’t matter to Ron, but Molly Weasley wanted him to look okay going to Harry’s house. Ron always felt weird going to Harry’s at first. Harry and his mom were very wealthy, while he and his family were not. Lily Potter had wanted to give them some money, but his mum and dad would only refuse, Lily and Harry both knew that. Of course if you looked at Harry’s house from the outside you wouldn’t know they had that much money, but inside it was easy to tell. Ron remembered how he and Harry met. He had of course grown up hearing about Harry, how he had weakened You-Know-Who. But Harry was in a compartment by himself and Ron hadn’t been able to sit with Fred and George, his twin brothers with the same flaming red hair as he. So Ron had asked Harry if he could sit with him, Harry being as polite as he was said yes. Hermione had come in later and they became acquaintances. Later in the year at Hogwarts, they had become friends with her and Harry had become Seeker, making him even more popular than he already was. 

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