The Captial

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I'm sitting in the dinning car, downing my third glass of lemonade. I look up to the hard liquor. "It'd make things easier." I quietly laugh at me walking out of the train, wait no, stumbling out of the train, just flipping off President Halo. Kayla walks in the get lunch I'm guessing. She looks at me and says," We're here." I steady my breathing and walk off the train with the biggest smile I could produce on my face. After we get through the mob and a half of reporters and paparazzi waiting for us at the hotel, the capital lady, Joan was her name, told us we'd be on the seventh floor, due to our district. I nodded along as if I gave a crap and when we got to our room my heart stopped. It was huge. And I mean huge. I'm six foot tall, one hundred and eighty pounds and the room still took me off guard. I looked around a bit and then went to my room. It sized up to the rest of the floor quite nicely. As soon as my head hut the pillow, I was out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2015 ⏰

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