Chapter 8

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About two months after they'd let me out of the hospital, I was standing on the sports field. Nothing remotely interesting had happened. I was welcomed into Audrey's group again, ate lunch with them and hang out with them. Aydin was still my best friend here. I spent most of my spare time with him and I liked every minute of it. He still hadn't told me why he was in Cavanaugh, but that wasn't necessary. He didn't know my exact reasons either. Yeah he knew I had started a fire, but there was much more to it.

And Nate. Well, Nate just acted like his arrogant, cocky self. Still called Aydin names and got almost everyday into a fight. Which meant he got shocked almost every day. It didn't seem to affect him as much as it did to me. Most of the time, he got shocked, fell down and just stood up again. I guess his body got used to it.

Towards me he had changed. He didn't glare at me anymore or threatened me. I couldn't say he was very nice to me either, but I certainly didn't complain. Sometimes he gave me these looks of affection, which I simply didn't understand, but I just shrugged it of.

I tried to thank him one day for the iPod, but he just brushed it off, saying it wasn't anything. He just mumbled about that I deserved one.

I have to say these were the best two months since I'd been brought off to my first nuthouse. Except for the staff. They weren't very understanding.

The fact that I'd just recovered from a broken hand didn't mean I was allowed to take it slow on my first days without a cast. The opposite of that. The morning I was allowed to take it off was the annual sports day. All cases here had to participate in this. It was a day full of running, jumping and lifting weight. I can tell you, not my thing.

I'd asked the staff if I was allowed to skip this day, because I was still too weak to play sports all day long. The only thing they did was shake their heads and telling me they'd let me stay in the ward long enough for me to participate in all school activities. Including the sports day.

Of course, Aydin planned to skip today. Just like he did all days. It was so annoying to know that he was going to relax in the library, while I was sweating my ass off while running laps. I had asked him if I could crash his place, but he said that wasn't possible, since I already went to the staff to ask if I could get the day of. According to him they'd make sure I was there. Ridiculous if you ask me.

So here I was standing on the ugly grass field where we should play sports. It appeared that playing sports here at Cavanaugh didn't mean hockey, basketball or soccer. No, here you had to run laps, survive some stupid trail, and practice your MMA skills. Yeah, you heard me. MMA. You'd think they'd keep the anger and violence in a institute for delinquents as low as possible. Well not here. Here they were going let you practice it.

"Alright, everyone!" the coach whistled. "Come here."

Everybody complied immediately. The coach didn't look like someone you should mess with. I didn't know what his/her gender was. By the looks of it female, but I could be easily mistaken. What I did know as that she was one big muscle. It was pretty scary I have to say.

"Today we're going to use the same groups we have last year," some people groaned, but most muttered their approval. "Group 1 is going to fight, group 2 is going to run laps, group 3 is going to lift weights, group 4 is also going to fight, group 5..."

And so she went on and on, while I was still standing there, having no clue in which group I was. I saw one group with Audrey, Crystal and three other girls walking towards the part of the field where you had to fight. I seriously hoped I would be in their group. None of them looked very athletic, so I wouldn't make a fool out of myself. Plus I wouldn't risk a black eye during the fighting.

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