Chapter 13: Visiting an old friend

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I swerved, almost knocking myself off balance with the lack of practice I had with flying, but I steadied myself adequately. I squealed with the freedom of it all as once more I hurtled towards the cave, remembering the structure of it exactly as I left it: like a skull.

Moments later clean air filled my lungs, caressing my cheeks diligently. I gasped, inhaling deeply. I plunged towards the ground where the hourglass stood and crashed so violently I was knocked off my feet, gasping, coughing and retching.

I stood up firmly, inspecting the cave, my eyes scanning the area for the shadow.

'Shadow.' I called and he glided towards me, not looking any different to how I remembered him before I left Neverland all those years ago. Not only do people not age in Neverland, but I don't suspect shadows do anywhere.

'Tiger Lily.' He bobbed his head with respect. 'Welcome back to Neverland, you were so keen to go I am surprised to see you here once more.'

'Pan tricked me into staying once I came here after it was announced that the natives were gone.' I offered as my simple, yet honest reply. The shadow nodded knowingly and somehow I knew he helped Pan, even if it pained me to think that my unconventional, but still close friend had done that to me. He had been my only true friend when I was with the natives, as everyone else loathed me for disrespecting my Father because I didn't want to marry.

'That's not new.' The Shadow commented and I rolled my eyes at how true it was. If I had seen myself before, then I would slap myself for being so stupid and leaving the island with Malcolm. Without my stupidity and selfishness, hundreds of lives could be saved, not only the natives but also my own son. I grimaced at the memory of Rumple the last time I saw him, when he was asleep, and I promised I would protect him: I didn't.

'It has been a while, I trust you are well?' I asked the unliving being. Neither of us cared for pleasantries, but I needed to direct the attention away from me. The Shadow didn't usually allow himself to make mistakes, but to make a mistake is human, and so I make mistakes.

'You didn't come back to Neverland and then call me to you for pleasantries,' the Shadow stated.

'No.' I agreed. 'I need your help.'

'Are you sure that is a good idea? Last time I released you from Neverland, after you begged me to do so, everything turned evil.' The shadow reminded me cautiously, but I was defiant and set in my ways. I was well known for not being influenced by people, which is simultaneously one of my best and worst qualities.

'But this is different, there can be no suffering from this.' I replied hastily, stamping my foot on Neverland's soil.

'No death, Tiger Lily?' The Shadow mused and I rolled my eyes at his father-like nature.

'No. But let's not forget that if it wasn't for your deal with Malcolm, my people wouldn't have died. The natives would still be in Neverland and everything would live in peace and harmony, as it did until Pan arrived.' I pointed out sternly, but nothing could emotionally manipulate the shadow.

'And if you hadn't left the natives first, then your husband wouldn't have returned to Neverland to find you and the natives would all be alive.' The shadow pointed out and if it could, it would have a smirk wider than Pan's. 'Now tell me, what is it you want to do? I may as well hear it before I refuse.

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