My Queen

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You stood outside of the classroom, boredom showing on your face as you waited for the teacher to call you in, today was your first day at this place and you honestly just wanted to get this over with. After all you had other thing to do, unlike most of your kind, you were a witch that could pass off as a normal human girl.

The teacher finally had you come in, once you were in front of the class you could sense three magical girls or at least three who have potential to be one. With a smile you gave a small wave. "(Name), nice to meet you all." You said cheerfully before talking your assigned seat near the front of the class, you could feel their eyes on you the whole time, you resisted the urge to attack the girls you had sensed. It was only your first day of school, why start drama now?

Break came quickly, mainly because the teacher wanted to give the others a chance to talk to you. "Where are you from (Name)?" A girl asked while her friends also asked one themselves. "Do you need help around the school?" "What hobbies do you have?" You smiled before you answered. "I'm from (country/state), I think I will be fine but if I need help I'll ask, and I like to draw." You stood. "Sorry to cut this short but will you tell me who is the nurse aid?" You felt someone poke your shoulder, it was one of the girls you sensed before. Turning around you saw a girl with bright pink hair, red ribbons within it, and she had pink eyes.

"That would be me, right this way." She said before taking your hand and guiding you out of the room. "So (Name) I didn't introduce myself, I'm Madoka." She said as you two walked. "It's a pleasure. " You said, oh how you wished to mark her with a witch kiss right now, at least then she would most likely kill herself before becoming a threat. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me an a few others after school, if not I understand-" "Sure why not?" You might get information about her, and might meet the other girls, it was obvious that this girl wasn't a magical girl yet. But that didn't mean that she didn't have potential to be one.

"Well here we are, I hope that you have a good day." Madoka said before leaving, once she was gone you made your way to the roof, you needed a brake from all of those people. You ended up staying there for most of brake before heading back, the rest of the day going rather alright. You just wanted it to end sooner, after all you had three new pests to worry about.

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