Piece of Cake

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The Captain led me to the training room-not far from my room.
"This is where we will train." He announced as he opened the doors.

The first thing that caught my eye was weapons. Hundreds of weapons. Killer weapons. Displayed around the room.
Knives, swords, bow & arrows, spears, staffs, helmets and a few armor.
A few target points here and there & dummies hung to the ceiling.
I looked at the Captain.
He raised a brow at me wondering why I looked at him.
Signing, I went to the section where the knives were.
I studied them. Many were emergency knives-placed on the thigh. I could use these, maybe I'll take some-

"What are you doing?" The Captain said as he approached me.
I quickly slid the knife back.
Fuck. I needed those.
I turned to face him with my arms crossed. I suddenly noticed that we were alone in the training room, no guards whatsoever.

"What's the problem now?" He was annoyed.
I shook my head at him and waited.
"Today, we are going to spar. See where you're weak points are.." He trailed.

"So grab a weapon."

Spar huh? If he's using a sword, then I should use a sword as well.
Something light would be perfect. And sharp. Very sharp.
As I was looking through the rack of swords, the captain spoke.
"Let's make a bet."
I turned to him, a spark of interest.
"If I win, you will do anything I say after we spar." He said and I nodded.
"And if you win, well.."
I pointed to the window.

Freedom maybe?
"Escape? Wish not granted I'm afraid." He regretted.
I signed, it was worth the try.

I looked for a piece of paper and a pen, and wrote

"Free to do anything I want for the day."

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