Chapter 3

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Nervous, an understatement of how I felt right now. I've barely said two words to the bloke and I am shaking. Last night when he gave me his number he said he would give me a ring right before he left.

I was in the middle of filling the kettle when my mobile went off. Confused I looked at my watch, half ten, it can't be whippet. Grabbing the mobile and answering it sure was.

"Hi sweets, sorry I'm calling early. Figured you would at least be up half ten,yeah?" He asked.
"Yeah yeah, I've been up since about 5.30 I reckon. I like my morning jogs." I answered back.
"Ahh, same. So I was wondering if you wanted to hang for a few then head to the shop a little after dinner rush. I know a small little cafe I reckon you will love. We can grab dinner there." Whippet told me, immediately making me even more nervous.
"Uhh sure, do ya want to come around mine? Just put the kettle on for a proper cuppa. I reckon I can find the coffee machine somewhere and put a pot on as well." 
"Sure, I'm at the shop, I'll be right over"

Shit, I'm still in my knickers. I took the kettle off of the still cold burner and Rushed  upstairs I showered and changed into a cute razor back shirts and some nice maroon shorts. As I was walking in the kitchen to finally make me cuppa I heard knocking.

"Whippet? It's open, come in!" I yelled out to him, whilst grabbing my mug and tea bags.
"Grace, how ya going? Head feels better , yeah?" Whippet asked whilst carrying a bag or two.
"Yeah yeah, I'm sorry the coffees not done yet, just putting it on in fact." I told him whilst sipping my nice hot tea."
"Ah, no worries. I reckon you haven't eaten yet, no? I bought croissants for the pair of us. If you won't like that, I also brought a few different fruit as well." Whippet told me whilst setting the bags down and coming over to kiss my cheek"
"Oi, cheeky are we. Nah, croissants are my favorite. Cheers."
"You know you enjoy my cheekiness." Once we got plates and put the food on them, whippet's coffee was done.

We both started eating, from there I realized how cute he really is. With his cute little haircut and his fit arms.
"Grace? Are you okay? Do I have something on my face?" Whippet asked whilst grabbing a napkin
"Uhh, right side of your chin, yeah there. Okay got it." I told him whilst trying to play it off that I wasn't staring.
" I reckon we should play a questions game?" He told me sipping his coffee.
"Sure, what do you want to know?"
"Alright, twenty questions, whoever backs out first buys lunch. Deal?" He asked
"Sure you first."
Whippet put on a thinking face, "ahh okay. Favorite color?"
"Easy, Maroon. Favorite vacation spot?" I ask him in return.
"Hmmm, I would have to say Fiji, hands down. Maybe with New Zealand in close second."
"Wow, I've never been to eather. I reckon good places to surf." I told him admiring how he has been to a few amazing places.
"Yes, quite amazing. Okay your turn"
Okay, since I just met you, what is your real name?" I questioned.
"Ah, sorry. My name is actually Ryan. I go by both so go with whatever." He told me.
Ryan, cute. Totally fits him.
"Okay age?" Ryan asked me. Should I call him that? Maybe I'll come up with my own nickname.
"About to turn 20 actually."
"19 huh? Youngin I guess. I'm 24 my self" Ryan told me.

We went on for a while. Learnt a good bit about each other. He told me how he was such a good prankster and how he would love it if I joined in. Then finally, the cheeky bloke asked it.
"So boyfriend, have one back home?"
"No, actually never had one. And if you put two and two together that does mean I've never been kissed." I said whilst looking away from him, embarrassed. I mean what proper teenager hasn't had a boyfriend.
"Wha? Seriously? Never been kissed? I mean look at you. You are beautiful, that's hard to believe." He told me surprised.
"Umm thanks, I've never been told that." I smiled at him.
"Well I reckon we head for dinner yeah? It's half twelve now."
"Sure, lead the way."

Ryan took me to a cute cafe about a 10 minutes walk from Bondi. It really was refreshing having dinner together. The conversations never got boring.
" so I reckon you've known tori for ages now, you have to have talked to her more about the relationship area than I have. Did she mention any of the boys?" Ryan inquired.
Getting a good idea, " ahh yeah, I reckon you have perfect inside knowledge. How's about Kailan. He a good bloke? She's mentioned him a good few times."
"Kailan? Yeah good bloke, single that's for sure. I reckon we can work some magic on them." Ryan smiled whilst finishing up his food and waving the waiter to bring the cheque around.
"Ah, so what's the damage? What's me share?" I asked trying to grab the cheque from his as well.
"Nope, I've got it, what's a date without the gentleman paying?"
"Date, are you saying this is a date?" I asked whilst blushing.
"Yeah, if you are okay with that." She asked scratching his neck.
"Yeah, I mean I'm fine with it." I laughed.

"Alright, now for your board. I know a place right down the way. We can go to the shop and order it and visit the boys." He asked whilst grabbing my hand.
"Erm, okay sounds good."I replied whilst blushing. I've never held a boy's hand before, and the fact that it is an insanely handsome guy like Ryan is even more nerve raking.

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