Chapter 2

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Quickly grabbing some green tube like thing hey poured a medication type this in it.
"Okay Grace, this whistle will help with the pain. I won't taste very keen, but it will help." He said putting it in my hand.
"Cheers." I said whilst starting to suck on it. Ugh nasty, but I can already feel the affects of it.
"OI, Deano how's that Ambo comin?" Whippet called.
"Almost here mate."

I couldn't see whippet for a second.
"Haha whippet. You kangaroo. Do ya got any fizzy pop? Does Australia have fizzy pop? I heard spiders can get like 4 feet tall. Have you caught one before?" I asked whilst laughing so hard.

I was enjoying a nice tan when I got a call.
"Whippet? Hellos." I said
"Tori, it's grace. Can you come up to the tower?"
"Grace? Yeah yeah be right there. Is everything okay?" I asked her slightly panicking.
"Yeah yeah just bring all of our stuff."

I jumped up and hurried to grab everything. Finally making it up the tower I knocked a few times. Kailan opened the door and let me in.
"Hey guys, my friend grace said she was here."
Deano  turned to me and replied "Tori, good to see you. Yeah she's in back with whippet. He seems quite keen on her by the way"

Ooo, I knew she would get on well with him. He was totally her type. I'll have to talk to her later.

"OI whippet, where's my best friend" I called whilst walking into the back.
"Haha, right here just gave her the green whistle. You should see her. She called me a kanga."
"Ahh, what's with all the blood and spinal board??" I questioned
"Ahh right. She got a nasty fin chop to the head as well as a broken nose. I put her in a brace for precautionary measures because the laceration is close to her neck. The Ambo is almost here. Stuck in traffic I reckon." He told me whilst pushing Graces hand that was holding the whistle to her mouth.
"Kanga huh? What a nut. She's always fancied having a kanga as a pet." I giggled.


Finally making it to hospital I already got my nose patched up and has a CT scan, now working on getting my stitches. What ever meds they game me works wonders.
"OI, oi, oi." I giggled mocking Tori.
" Do I sound like you? Can we get ice cream after this? How about tacos?" I asked her.
"Calm down jeez. Maybe ice cream. I'll see. You are just like a child." She told me back.

"Okay you are free to go. Take it easy and get plenty of rest. No beach for at least 2 weeks and make sure to regularly clean the wound. You don't seem to have a spinal injury or internal bleeding. You are free to go." The nurse to us.
"Yay! Do you reckon we can stop by and see whippet. That cute kangaroo needs a thank you." I told Tori whilst getting wheeled out of hospital.
" ooo maybe he wants an ice cream." I smiled turning towards Tori.

Getting to the Ice Cream shop across the street from Bondi we decided to have a seat. I could still feel a bit loopy from the meds, don't think they will wear off anytime soon.

"What time is it? Do you reckon we still have time to stop and tell whippet thanks? " I asked her whilst looking at the menu. Still un-able to decided what I wanted.

"Nah mate, it's about knock off time for them. I reckon I can call him and see if he wants to stop by" she smiled at me.

"Yes yes. He is so cute. Crap. You's aren't dating, no? I'm sorry. I didn't mean too intrude." I said looking down sad.

"Grace, haha no we are certainly not dating. I've known him a good while. We meet at primary school. Lovely bloke that one is. He texted bAck saying he will be right over with a couple of the guys, is that cool!" She ask me.
"Oh goodness thank gosh. He is just so adorable. Yeah I'm down for them to come. "

"Grace!" I turned to see whippet walking to our table. " Hey sweets, how's the head? How many?" Whippet asked whilst sitting next to followed by about 3 other guys.
"Yeah good. 17 stitches actually, a right mess. Can't surf for a good 2 weeks. Thanks for the help today. You practically saved my life." I told him whilst smiling as well. Noticing the other guys I waved.
"Hia, I'm Grace."
"Ahh Grace. Sorry, this is Deano, Chappo and Dunno. They are all lifeguards as well. You probably saw Deano at the tower today." Whippet told me.
"Yea, thanks! You guys are awesome sauce." I giggled.
"No worries, I am sorry. I over heard you surf, how long for?" Deano asked me.
"Ahh, all my life actually. I visit OZ every other summer for holidays and just picked it up. Have been surfing every chance I get back home. Even been down down to Hawaii for a surf before." I told them seeing appreciation cross their faces.
"Once you get better we should take you out to Bondi. Lovely surf down there." Dunno said.
"Yes, sounds awesome. But I need a board first. May have snapped my last one right before I left. Know any good stores down the way?" I asked looking around.
"Yeah yeah. I know a guy. I'll take you tomorrow if you want. I'm off work." Whippet told whilst smiling at me.

"Sweet, your the best!" I cheered, hugging him.
"Oh, uhhh sorry." I said backing up awkwardly.
"No worries, it's cute how excited you get about surfing." He told me making me blush.

After ice cream we all decided to head home. It was almost 9.30, we talked for a while. Whippet told me he was going to pick me up at 12.45 and he would take me to get a new board. To say I was excited you be an understatement.

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