chapter 1: only if it seemed...

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warming this scene contains violent abuse, just to be warned.

"Come here!" I hear Dominic yell after me as I'm running for my dear life.

I ran as fast as I can trying not to trip up on the way to my house. To be honest I don't know why I'm running here because he can easily get in, but my sister lives too far away and I can't run that much. I keep asking myself why is he doing this to me, we use to be so in love and never argued but now everything has changed between us and I don't know why.

I turn to my left. Ducking behind a shoot in the alley. Panting for breath, I slowly kneel down on the cold concrete floor praying to God he won't find me. As I wait patiently, I can feel the gravel in-printing into my knees, I bared the pain just a little bit longer until I think he is long gone.

I hesitated to get up thinking he is right behind me. Ignoring my stupid conscience, I get up and dust the dirt off my clothes. Feeling relief off my shoulders, I walk towards the opposite direction of my house knowing he will be there. Waiting for the car to turn from out of the corner, I take the nearest alley way trying to cover my tracks. I heard a noise and ran straight into a hard chiselled chest standing in front of me, gulping in fear I look to see him. Face-to-face we were as he was shinning his full set of white teeth. Knowing what was yet to come, I slowly step back."And where do you think you're going" was the last thing I heard before I was knocked to the ground with his solid fist

"Ouch!" I cried holding onto my bruised eye. Two seconds later I was screaming and kicking, as he dragged me by my long wavy chocolate brown hair.

"shut up you little bitch" he all but spat through gritted teeth. "we have unfinished business" he stated and that's when I knew I wasn't going to make it...

well i hope you enjoyed reading the prologue, please vote, fan and tell me what you think

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