Chapter 2

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(Chapter 2)

Melissa pov

I woke up with Ginger and Kala cuddling into my arms. I glance at the clock it read 9:00am. I got up and did my normal morning routine. Once, I was finished I picked Ginger and Kala and headed towards the kitchen to make breakfast since the others can't cook for their lives. I shuddered remembering the time Ana tried to cook and magically blew up the toaster trying to make toast.

I started to make French toast with banana topping. The smell made up the stairs where the girls where sleeping. I started "1...2...3". I turned to see the girls right in time with the cats on the counter and they look scared out of their mind. I sat down and started to eat my breakfast. "So, let me guess you jumped off the railing and ran as fast as you can." I said.

"Wow, you are a physco." Ana said nodding. "Wait, don't you mean phychic." Melina asked confused. "No....... I think??" Ana said thinking over her own words. I smacked my forehead with my hand. "Ow I hurt my forehead." I said rubbing my injured area.

"It's time for Naruto." I shouted in Jackie's ear for the heck out of it. Jackie smacked the back of my head. I turned very slowly and glared. "You better watch your back because I will get my revenge!" I said. "Muwhaha *cough cough*" I laughed then coughed.

"Wow you haven't laugh your evil laugh in a long time." Jackie said while laughing at me. "Yes, but the last time I laughed evilly was when I shaved Melina's hair." I said smirking remembering. Jackie paled like white paper. Melina started to pet her hair remembering the time I shaved her head since she took my ice cream and changed the channel while I was watching a new episode of Fairy Tail.

Ana and Jessica were shaking of laughter so hard I thought they were rats. I mean chihuahuas (A/N No offense they just look like one to me). "Hey now that I remember I will get my revenge." Melina said like she will get back at me. I did the same thing I did to Jackie and glared at her "Remember the time I played revenge with Julio and he ended up in the hospital." I said then smirking remembering what happen that week.

Melina paled like she seen a demon. "Well time for Naruto. Lets go." I shouted while picking up Ginger and Kala. The girls followed in suit picking up the cats and going to my living room with a 70in smart flat screen. I turned on the tv on to the channel and the episode were a re-run of Kakashi and Itachi fighting. "Dude, I want hair like that." I said randomly while staring with wide eyes but in corner of my eyes. I saw the cats were staring at the tv weirdly.

"Whos Kakashi?" Jessica asked. "No Itachi since his hair is beautiful like it is glossier then mine." I said matter-of-factly while still staring at his hair. "Umm... Okay." Ana said staring at me weirdly like I belong to a insane asylum. Shit son I been there once and I actually turned some of the doctors insane and they kicked me out.

Jessica knows since she received the call of them calling to pick me up. The cats let out weird chuckles.

" We'll either way shouldn't you wash the cats." Jackie said. "True they are started to smell like Melina shoes." I said agreeing with Jackie. "Well you guys wash them ,my dad has been texting me all morning so I'm going to check what he wants." Melina said.

"Jessica,Jackie,and I need to go to the library for a test." Ana said. "I guess I'll wash them." I said. I put one on my head, two on each of shoulders,and carried the rest. I headed to the bathroom and set them aside and put the water on until it was right. I put them in and surprisely they don't hate water. I started to scrub them.

When suddenly a poof and ten akatsuki members naked in my bathroom. I quickly covered my eyes not wanting to see that and started to threw towels at them until I got out of there. Once, I got out "Oh Shit, my innocent eyes." I yelled in the top of my lungs and lets just say thank goodness I don't have neighbors that don't care or I'll have complains from them.

I quickly ran into my room, opened my closet and went to my secret stash. Pulled out my beautiful AK47. I then heard footsteps and the door opened.

"Look we can explain." Kisame said slowly like if I was an animal and he wasn't trying to spook me. "Tell me nothing, you slept with that whore." I told him pretending to cry like those movies when they caught them cheating and for the heck of it I pointed at Deidara. "I'm a boy,un!!" He shouted. "NO NEED TO FUCKING SHOUT!!!!!!" I practically yelled at him.

I don't know why,but I took out my iPhone 5 and played the song If I were a Boy. Deidara started to turn red in the face. Konan got a little closer and I shot them warning shots.

"Come any closer and the next one goes straight to your heart." I hissed at them. "Calm down." Itachi spoke up. I stared at him then sigh "fine as long as I get to braid your hair." I told him. Itachi just sighed and said "Alright.".

"Well you got yourself a deal Mr.Uchiha." I said in the car mans voice. I put my gun away and started to walk to the living room and shouted "To the living room.". The Akatsuki members followed and I sat my fat ass on the couch and patted the ground for Itachi.

Itachi just sighed and sat down. I started to braid his hair and stared at the rest of them. "What the fuck are you staring at dumbass." Hidan cussed at me. "Your face" I said not caring he called me a dumbass. "Well would anyone would kindly tell me how the fuck did you get here." I told them.

"We were cleaning out Orochimaru lab when Tobi knocked down some containers and fumes came out and we were knocked out and ended up here as cats." Pein said. "Well that is . . . . . . . . . Damn it where is that damn dictionary when I need it and the worst part it is in Russia and I'm still learning how to read and talk Russian." I said.

"Well either way I need to tell the girls about this." I said. "I fell sorry for you guys will probably gonna get raped by Melina." I told them honestly while thinking back when I had a new hot neighbor then he moved because he almost got raped by Melina. "Except Konan." I added that way Konan dosent get nightmares or scared that a girl might rape her.

The guys froze and Konan looked relived that Melina dosent swing that way. I started to laugh at their faces and let me tell you they were priceless. I headed upstairs for some quiet and started to dial Jessica's phone because she is the one who'll be understanding.


Hope you like this crappy chapter and who do you think will be the first one that Melina will rape.

I don't own any of the Akatsuki members or Naruto.

I only own my characters and this cookie that will probably last very long




Eat fry chicken

Give me your drugs

And try not to get STDS like my friend

~Mflor19 signing out~

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