Akatsuki Kittens

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(Chapter 1)

Melissa pov

I was walking home.I saw a box moving on the sidewalk and decided to check it out.I walked towards the box and heard meows.I opened the box and saw 10 kittens with weird fur and eyes.A sliver kitten with violet eyes started hissing at me.The ginger kitten with rings on his started meowing and the sliver kitten started to calm down.I picked up the box and started walking home.

Once I got home I dropped the box with the kittens on the couch. I went to the kitchen and took out pieces of chicken and poured water into bowls."Food" I yelled. I heard the soft padding of the kittens coming towards me. They starting sniffing it and then started to eat. I heard my doorbell ring. I opened my door and saw my best friends Ana who has dirty blonde hair to her shoulders,honey eyes,and is pretty short,next to her was my other friend Jackie who has reddish,brownish hair in a ponytail,has chocolate brown eyes and is a bit taller then Ana,next to her is Melina who has dark brown hair that reaches 2 or 3 centimeters below her ears,has hazel eyes and is taller then Jackie and finally Jessica who has black hair that reaches to her mid back with blue highlights with blue eyes and is the same height as Melina.

"Housekeeping" I said. "Is Melissa here?" Jessica said sweetly. "Yes she is,let me get her." I said. I hid behind the door and came out again."What's up my bitches.You miss your pimp?" I said/asked them. "Maybe" they said together.

Pein pov (before Melissa got them)

I was sleeping dreaming that I was god. I heard my organization arguing "Damnit Tobi what did you do un!?" Deidara shouted. I woke up from my wonderful dream "What is it now?!" I asked annoyed. "Leader-sama Tobi turned us into cats un!" He exclaimed. "What" I said and I touched myself and realized I have paws."How did this happen?" I demanded.

"Oww I fucking ran into a wall damnit."Hidan said. Then the ceiling opened and light peered in. It was a girl with black hair that reached a bit below her shoulder and ocean blue eyes." I think I'll take you guys to my house." She said. Hmm... That is not a bad idea since we are cats so,that means we are harmless and have no chakra. "Fuck you bitch!! I'm not going with you damnit." Hidan hissed. "Hidan calm down let her take us since we are weak right now and they can kill us because we are cats" I said in calm/leader voice.

Hidan calmed downed. The girl picked us up and walked towards to what we guessed was her house. She dropped us on her couch. The world around us seem larger. I saw strange devices like this huge black thing on the wall and there was a box with a X on it and there were DVD cases next to it. "Food" she yelled.

We followed to where she called from and there were pieces of chicken and bowls of water. We started to smell it to check if there was something wrong with it. Once, everything was good we started to eat it.

Melissa pov

"Well are you gonna let us in or what?!" Jessica asked. "Nah." I said. "We brought snacks and ice cream." Ana said. Man they got me there I thought. "Well come in." I said. "Oh yea, I saw this box move and opened it to see a bunch of cats and I brought them here." I told them. "Well bring them." Melina said excited.

"Hey guys, Can you guys help me name all of them?" I asked them. "Heck yea" Ana shouted. I walked to the kitchen and said "Follow me". Surprising they did listen. "We'll let's start naming you guys." I said. Suddenly Melina attacked the blond cat with blue eyes and rubbed her cheek against his cheek. "Your so darn cute." Melina cooed.

"Hey, I wanna do that too!!" Ana shouted excited. She picked up the black with an orange face and started to do the same. "Kitty pedo." I told them. "Hey,but Melina was already a pedo" Jackie said matter-of-factly. "True that." Jessica said. "Hey, I'm still here you whores" Melina shouted. "Hey, did you guys hear something." Jackie asked like if she heard a noise.

"Nope" Jessica and I together popping the p. "It probably the wind Jackie" I told her ignoring Melina and her whining and damn that girl can whine. "Shut up Melina!!" Jessica shouted at Melina already fed up with her whining. "Yea,sorry Melina I didn't bring the cheese to go with your wine." I told her. "Let's just name the cats." Jackie said.

"Let start with the one Melina is being a pedophile to." I said. "Hmmm........ What about Sunshine?" Melina asked. We all stayed quiet for a moment then, we all bursted out laughing. "Either you are high on drugs or you just suck at naming things." I said trying to compose myself. "Imagine a boy named Sunshine. Oh wait Melina probably date him." Ana said. "Heck yea" Melina said.

"Fine what about Zack." Melina said. "It's a typical blond name....... So yea." Jackie said agreeing with Melina. "What about the one Ana is pedoing?" Jessica asked. "How about Lolipop since his face looks like one." Ana said. "Okay." We said in unison. I started trying to pick up the sliver one and he started to hiss at me and then finally scratch me.

I pulled back my hand and starting thinking revenge for him. "Hmmmm........ Pussy." I said nodding my head for the best name for him. I think the cats were laughing ,but it sounded weird. I then, picked up a black one with red eyes. At first, it tensed then it started to relax. When I started to scratch him behind the ears he started to purr a little. "I'm gonna name you Kala." I said nodding.

"What should we name the one that is blue with lines that look like gills under his eyes." Ana asked. "Jaws" we all said in a unison. Again came out the weird laughter out of the cats. Jaws started to mew like he was protesting. "I'm sorry Jaws and other cats ,but we suck at naming and I think we all took a pinch of drugs." I told them.

"I think Melina,Ana,and Melissa had the most drugs." Jackie said. Jessica agreed with her while Melina and Ana were protesting. "True that." I said. "Well, either way what do we name the red one." Ana asked. "Sasori." I said instantly. Ana shrugged "okay." She said.

"Quick lets name the other cats cause I'm tired since I had to take care of business until 6 in the morning." I said. "Melissa, staying up playing Call of Duty Black Ops ll isn't business." Melina said. "It isn't. I asked shocked not knowing that. They all shocked their head. "Fine,but their names will Yin-

Yang,Angel,Ginger,and Stiches." I said while naming I pointed at them to explain who is who.

"Are you guys staying here in the guest rooms or are you guys gonna go to your house?" I asked as I walked up and grabbed a litter box that has been here since my cousin left here for no reason and thank goodness it didn't have shit. "This is where you take a dump and leak." I told the kittens probably looking like a mad women.

"Yea, we will stay since we are too lazy to go home and you have adorable cats." Melina said while the other girls nodded agreeing as well.

I took Kala and Ginger, Jessica took Angel and Jaws, Ana took Lolipop and Sasori, Jackie took Yin-Yang and Pussy, and Melina took Zack and Stiches. "Try not to squish or hug them to death!" I hollered out. " No promises!" The girls shouted since we all knew we like to cuddle and move around a lot during our sleep. I just changed into my pajamas and brushed my teeth and fell asleep with Kala and Ginger cuddling into my arms.

~End of Chapter 1~

Hope I didn't do bad on my first chapter.

Ehh who am I kidding I suck at writing chapter ,but either way hoped you liked it.














Take drugs

Wait never mind give me your drugs.

~Mflor19 signing out~

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