chapter 10

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It's been a few weeks since that night with Justin, and after that night I expected things to be all nice and dandy between us.

Boy, was I wrong.

After doing the favor of making Justin somewhat experienced he started flirting and using the techniques I showed him.

The only problem was that he was using them on girls what weren't me.

I'd see him around school leaning against girls lockers flirting with them.

Girl after girl after girl.

I'd see him posting on social media with girls or about girls.

But yet he doesn't have the time to text me.

I texted him once or twice, okay maybe like 6 times then I found myself being clingy and annoying so I stopped.

Right now, I'm currently walking to my class that I unfortunately have with him.

Not that he ever notices me now that he has girls swooning over him when he walks by.

Little do they know, I taught him everything he knows.

I walk into the classroom and sit in my usual seat at the back corner.

Justin walks in and makes eye contact with me for a split second, then looks down like he's guilty.

Damn right, he should be!

The class was agonizingly long and it didn't help that Justin was flirting with a girl that was sitting next to him.

As soon as the bell rang I quickly gathered my things and sped walked out of class.

I walked to my locker to grab my books for my next class and when I shut it, Justin was leaning against the locker next to mine.

"What do you want Justin?"

I asked while walking passed him with my books in hand.

"For you to stop avoiding me." He said while catching up with me and walking with me.

"I'm not avoiding you." I said nonchalantly.


"Whatever Justin, I don't have time for this you're going to make me late."

I quickened my pace in attempt to get him to stop walking with me.

But, before I could walk into my classroom Justin grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a janitors closet.

"Justin are you serious? I just told you that I don't have time for this."

"I don't care, why are you avoiding me?"

"Oh I don't know hot shot, maybe because you're too busy to text me back but you're not to busy to flirt with every girl in our school!"

Justin looked at me for a second taking in everything I had just said then his face slowly turned into a smirk.

"What could possibly be amusing about what I just said?" I said a little louder getting angrier by the second.

"Are you jealous?"

"In your dreams." I said trying to be as convincing as a possibly could which didn't work because Justin's smirk just grew.

"You are!!"

"Yeah, whatever what if I am? I have the right to be! After all I did show you everything you know! And it didn't help that you were acting all lovey with me just for you to come to school and treat me like nothing so you could flirt with other girls." I said all in one breath before he could get a word in.

Justin stared at me with a smirk no longer on his face.

"I didn't know you felt that way. I... I guess I got caught up in the whole thing and I didn't even realize I was ignoring you. But now that I think about it, I see where you're coming from. Wow, I'm sorry Ky... I didn't mean anything by it."

"Yeah whatever." I said trying to reach for the handle of the door so I could leave, seeming I was already late.

"Kylie, stop. Why are you still mad?" Justin asked me trying to reach for my arm but I walked out the door before he could.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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