Feeling the Environment

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Have you ever taken a walk in a forest away from a large city, and felt a great joy and energy? That is your connection to a healthy environment. Just as people have energy and feel, nature also feels and emits energy.

In a large city, Los Angeles for example, the air is bitter and the place feels grey. The pollution caused by cars and buildings makes the area sick, like it's been poisoned. Add in the negative people lurking there and you have an Empath's worst nightmare.

On the other end of the spectrum, a healthy area with a very small population of cars, people, and such feels healthy. No pollution allows the creatures to breath easy. The trees and plants give off more natural energy than they would in a poisoned environment.

On trip to Europe I stayed in a rather small village about fifteen minutes from a rather small town. Most of the area was either farmland of woods. When taking a walk one afternoon I could feel this strong sense of joy and happiness. Though it wasn't suffocating or overwhelming. It felt coming back into contact with an old friend I haven't seen in years.

So for this chapter's advice: when in a large city carry a crystal or be cautious of how long you're exposed to the sickness. And when you get the chance go to a hiking trail (with a friend, safety first) and just feel the life, peace, and wisdom that nature has to give.

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