Empaths and Close Connections

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A close friend of mine came to me with a good question. Can an Empath feel others' pain as their own? After a bit of research, I found an answer.

Yes, but only under certain circumstances. Feeling others' pain is rare, and when an Empath does have this happen it is usually someone whom they have a connection with. A mother who is an Empath could possibly feel their children's pains due to her extreme connection to her child. But you can also feel a stranger's pain. The catch is a connection, most likely a connection in the soul.

My friend told me that she felt her birth mother's pain once while the latter was cooking. On another account I had ran into a cabinet and instead of feeling any pain, this friend of mine 'stole' it.

A strong connection can do more than physically link two people. It can bind their souls.

You know that line from the movie Avatar (2009): "I see you" ? In the movie they explained that what the Navi meant was " I see the real you, I see your soul."

It's the same with Empaths. Upon first taking a liking to someone, our sensitivity allows us the see that person. Now imagine developing a deep connection with the other person. With intensified sensitivity, we can merge with that person.

Now, I can see the readers' faces like "merge? What is wrong with this woman?" For an Empath connecting with others is no problem. The problem is when our absorption of emotions overrides our personal feelings. If a Empath were to absorb e emotional energy from someone whom they feel really close to, it could be an Epiphany.

This chapter's advice: watch out who's energy you are absorbing. And if it's a lover or close friend, allow their energy to coexist in you.

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