Chapter 1

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It was August. The day was hot and sticky and there were no trees around the town Gon and Killua stopped by in. Insisting on shade and cooling down, Gon cheerfully dragged the reluctant Killua towards a forest a little ways away from the village. After a while of strolling together in the forest Killua perked at a noise. The white-haired boy glanced at his friend, his blue eyes wary.

"Gon," He started. Gon froze and bent his knees as if ready to attack. "You hear that noise too, huh?" The green-haired 12-year-old nodded quickly to him. The two stood back to back glancing at their surroundings cautiously.

"Wh-what is it?" Gon questioned. The sound was definitely leaves or at least some sort of plant rustling. Meaning they could simply be dealing with the wind or a bunny. However, it also meant they could be dealing with Hisoka or the Phantom Troupe.


"There it is again!" Gon announced, though he knew Killua heard it as well. Gon had decided to wait and be cautious for the unexpected and uninvited guest and hope Killua could see what he was getting at. The two turned their attention to their only blind spot and as soon as they did they saw a man whom seemed to have been there for a while. Though they had checked seconds before.

He was tall and lanky and quite pale. Like, Hisoka-pale. His clothes didn't match and he seemed as if he bought them at a store from the 80s to make a statement. He had semi-curly dark green hair that was mostly hidden with a rose red fedora. It definitely wasn't his color nor style... His shirt was an... inspired style and was completely violet; or more of a mauve y-puce color and was covered in dark violet spots. He wore a pair of hideous-yellow trousers with a normal violet-colored stripes splattered upon them. It truly was a fashionista's nightmare. He only wore one shoe, which you think would make him un-balanced but he wasn't. The shoe looked like it would belong to an office worker and it was black with a golden tip; which was very shiny. The whole show was for some reason. His face seemed to be inspired by Hisoka, or maybe villains just enjoyed being the entity of a child's biggest fear; a clown.

"Greetings, boys." The man said with a sinister smile, causing shivers to run up Gon's spine. But Killua was used to it do to his bloodthirsty family. "My name is Ringo." He greeted with bow though it should've been polite it didn't feel like it. It dripped of mockery and ill intention.

"Kill-" Gon starts.

"Shh." Killua corrected, "Keep guard." Gon simply nodded, feeling kinda useless but realizing Killua's method would be the smartest one.

"I've been observing you two for a while." He states, "And I must say, you do impress." Following? Killua thought, FOR A WHILE? H-How...

"I would've noticed." Gon declared, "Actually, Killua would've. If I had not." Ringo simply laughs a very sadistic laugh.

"Don't under-estimate an enemy." He states, "You know this... Killua." Ringo told Killua as if just learning his name. Perhaps he never caught their names?

"What do you want, Ringo?" Killua spat venom. He said the clown-like man's name as if he were going to follow with "if that's your real name" which he didn't, however.

"Straight to the point, eh?" Ringo remarked. "I demand a duel with you, green-haired boy." He states, pointing towards Gon causing them both to grimace.

"And what if I decline?" Gon asks warily, Killua grips his shoulder in encouragement. Ringo stares at Gon as if seeing straight through him, literally. Like he wasn't there to begin with and the tree behind him held great interest.

"Will you?"

"Gon, you know this isn't a good idea." Killua reminds. Gon nods and looks back at Ringo whom held the same position and and expression. Ringo's dark green mop of hair fluttered of of his forehead as a menacing breeze blew by.

"Kill..." Gon says, facing Killua slightly. Killua watches him nervously. He knew the look in Gon's eyes all too well. It was fierce determination. It was the same curiosity that killed the cat. It was a spark of interest; the same Gon had when he learned more about Killua.

"Are you- Are you sure, Gon?" The assassin questioned his best friend, really hoping he'd say, 'Ah never mind, that's a dumb idea!' because it was. But the 12-year-old freak simply nodded.

"No. I accept." Gon Freecss stated. Killua sighed and lowered his hand, which he was already charging with electricity. Though it was easy to tell Killua Zoldyck was still uneasy, not only because of his face which was unnaturally showing his emotions of doubt and caution, but also because his body was still riveting with electricity.

"I must warn you..." Ringo said, snapping Gon's thoughts of how cautious Killua was and Killua's thoughts of how willing Gon was, away from their mind. "My power can change your life..." Gon shook his head.

"I don't care, we're smart." Gon stated, motioning to Killua. Ringo sighed and placed his hand on his head. The motion normally would seem to say, 'Really, how naive' or something along those lines. And his version of it did. But rather than coming from a colleague you met a week ago it felt more like it was from the man whom had a vendetta against you for killing his twin brother in front of his eyes. It was sadistic.

"Forever." Gon froze. Killua froze. Because for the first time... Ringo looked serious. Deadly serious.

"Gon." Killua said. Gon shook his head determined.

"Then, I guess I'll have to do better!"

RIngo stared at Gon, then to Killua.


"Killua." Gon replied with his shining smile, "I got this." Killua sighed with a grin.

"As always..."

"Let's do it, Ringo!" Gon screamed, bending his knees, ready to attack. Ringo smirked his sadistic smirk.

Killua hesitated for a moment but finally decided to trust his green-haired friend. "Start!"

This is the NEW version of this fanfiction! I decided to remake it because along with it being the most popular it's also the one I'm most embarrassed about... So here's the first edited chapter!

Okay new note! A lot of people assume this is a shipping fanfiction, at the moment it is not. I never saw them as romantic. But this book is made for the people so...

Do you want Gon x Killua in this book?

Keep in mind that there is no romance in it otherwise. It's your choice.

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