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         It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. It wasn’t all about revenge or getting even. Though, that’s what everyone thinks of us.

        We’re bloodthirsty exposures, secret keepers gone mad, the bottom of the food chain clawing their way to the top.  

        But that is NOT how TUC started.

        That is not who we thought we were.

        It was a blog post. Some mean words. Hurt feelings. That’s it, I swear. I only tell the truth.

        It was ‘twenty seconds of pure bravery’.

        Now our slogan is written on the bathroom walls in sick, Flirty Fuchsia lipstick. “Life in plastic is definitely not fantastic anymore.” Slanted and scrawled in a hurry. Now that weird four letter word flies out of our mouths as easily as profanity used to. No red SOLO cup party is safe. No ugly snap is hidden behind old photo album covers. The halls are filled with whispers and Who Done It’s. Rumors come printed in black and white. No one is safe, and no one is sure who to blame.

        But I am.

        No, it was never supposed to be like this.

This story starts the way all good stories do; when chance meets choice.

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