Chapter 8

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HEYYY GUYS! Long time no see! A reaaallly longg timee! I've been trying to edit this chapter in for so long it's not even funny! But today I finally got the inspiration to do it! Now I will be uploading the other chapters I have like six more that I already wrote before this one but I wanted to put this chapter before them. So, with a teeny bit of editing of those to take this chapter into account I'll have those uploaded and hopefully I can continue on with the story from there! I have hope! I've been working on this story for four years! Can you believe it??! I have a general plan that I had mapped out for this story so it's not like I'm going in blind. I will say this chapter literally was developed as I went along though. The climax of the chapter totally came out of nowhere! I had no idea how I was going to do it and that's why it took so long for me to upload plus I wasn't thinking about this story. I had other things to worry about. 

I understand if a lot of you have totally forgotten about this story since I literally haven't updated in years! That sounds so weird to say but I appreciate the readers I'll get on this, probably mostly new readers. Anywayyy...I'll stop this novel and let you get to reading the real one! Lol! Here it is:

Allison awoke and when she did, she suddenly remembered their plans for tonight; they were going over to Todd's parents' house, a place they hadn't been inside in nearly six months. A pang of dread and anxiety suddenly hit her at the thought. What would they say when they found out the news? Allison was afraid they would slut shame her, blaming it all on her or accuse her of going off the pill, intending to get pregnant.

They might also scold Todd for his irresponsibility in not wearing a condom. Allison recalled the last time they had sex, which was actually a couple weeks ago. Todd had worn a condom then. He always did, just like she always remembered to take the pill. Then, she remembered that she had been pregnant at the time of their last intercourse, so that wasn't when the conception had occurred. It was a month ago. She tried to remember that far back. It was difficult, but she thought hard and then suddenly she remembered.

It was mid-June, a Friday. They both had had a pretty rough day at work. Ruby Tuesday's was packed all day and they were very short on staff; Allison was one of only six waiters/waitresses, half of their usual staff. Allison remembered her feet being sore, but feeling relief as soon as she kicked her shoes off and put them up to rest. She remembered Todd complaining of a sore back from having to climb a ladder to reach the top of a pretty tall pick-up truck. He wasn't very tall and his taller co-workers were all on a lunch break. So, it was up to him to tackle the job. The strain of having to not only climb, but carry the ladder from the shed over to the truck with a heavy full bucket of soapy water and a sponge and the elbow grease he had to put into scrubbing the dirt off the top of the car, really took a toll on his back. Allison remembered him saying he wanted, more than anything, for them to have a car wash to do the job or at least for his co-workers to help him. She agreed that it wasn't fair for his co-workers to all be on a break, leaving him to be stuck with such a difficult job that would have been easier for them due to their height advantage. She offered to give him a massage, which he happily accepted. The massage affected them both and things went from there. She tried to remember if Todd had put on a condom before they had sex. They had been in the living room when the massage started, but Todd had eventually carried Allison to the bedroom. That was where they usually had sex and where Todd kept his condoms, in the bedside table drawer. He would usually grab one just before they were about to begin. Allison remembered they were both very aroused by the time they got to the bedroom and fell onto the bed. She remembered the desire she felt for him to be inside of her. It was so strong that she almost forgot about the condom and he did too.

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