Chapter 2

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After a few months I managed to score a sweet job at a pop up store in the local Westfields. And guess what? We were selling chocolates!!!!! Yes , tons of them. And it was all thanks to that little secret crush I had on this guy and than boom. Job! It's a bit more complicated and I honestly don't want to say anymore because I will spill everything.....And.I.Will.Not.Let.That.Happen. So ya. Anyway turns out Claudia had a job there cause um you know. She scored herself the boss. (Im sorry Claudia I know it's embarrassing) Anyway I think the main thing that also made us really close was when I saw her again and she actually took me to Sushi and when I said I hadn't any money she bought me frigan sushi! I instantly knew that we were best friends. It was like from there on I knew. SHE BOUGHT ME FOOD OF COARSE SHES AWESOME DUH. But that wasn't what also made me knew. It was the way we bonded and joked around. I could be myself with someone that wouldn't judge me. And it felt amazing to have that. I don't know about you but if you don't have Claudia as a friend I feel so so sorry for you. (Guys no relax were not in love or dating. Dirty minded freaks. I'm kidding by the way)

Now that I think about I'm actually so relived that we met on a bus. Let alone I was actually gonna catch the train that day but changed my mind! Actually that's a lie. Psssssh I'm not walking all the way to Woolooware station. Screw that! Anyway this was still last year. I so badly wanted to leave the school I was at and be with Claudia and everyone else. Even though I'd miss some of the friends I made it just wasn't the school for me. I still remember when Claudia was saying to me, "Why don't you go to our school. It's awsome!" And I remember saying "Yeah I really want to". But anyway enough of me! I'm sorry this chapter was really short but there's plenty more to come. I'm dedicating this whole book to our friendship. So be prepared as its gonna be a looooooong ride. Or book hehe

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2015 ⏰

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