Chapter 1

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Now this book is about two best friends that clicked as soon as they saw each other. Their names are Claudia and Tia. Okay fine I admit , partly about me and mostly about my Senpai (a nickname we call each other). By the way Senpai is Claudia. Anyway I've made this book due to the fact Claudia is leaving soon. Even if she does move (And I hope your reading this Senpai!) I will not let that problem get between our friendship because to whoever is reading this I don't know about you but Claudia is my best friend and I will let nothing get in the way of that! Anyway before I start babbling on more i'll begin to tell you were this all was on a bus.....YES A BUS NOW DEAL WITH IT (sassiness right there ;)

It was 2014...last year which somehow still seems like a trillion years ago. Anyway I was going to a different school at the time and I was really struggling with friends and those pesky pimples that still haunt me! Ugh. Anyway I was sitting next to a girl whom I meant that year. The bus was taking us to Cronulla station where than I would take off to my dads. But before we got to the station the bus pulled up to a another high school. Cronulla high. This was the school that I longed to be at and away from the crappy one I was attending. And than their she was. Big grin on her face and blonde hair loose. A beanie placed gently on her hair. Or if I can remember. Maybe she wasn't wearing a beanie.....Oh well anyway. The girl I was sitting next to knew her and she introduced me to Claudia. I instantly took a liking to her and I don't know but she just had this energetic and funny way about her. And she would always put a smile on my face and I knew instantly this was a friend I'm keeping and never letting go of. And from there on than our friendship bloomed like a unicorn riding on a rainbow. I did that line for you Claudia :3. Anyway that's kind of chapter 1. But I'm not done yet.

The funny thing is I think the first time we met we gave each other our phone numbers because I don't remember any other time, second time we met up was after school again and she had texted me , and lucky I was in Cronulla mall at the time! Yeah we bought a bunch of lollies and headed to the rooftop were we just was ourselves and joked around. And I tell you it felt good knowing I had someone who's got my back and I've got theirs.

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