Discovering Atë

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Trust is the most fragile thing in the world. Years and years of hard work go into building trust between individuals but one error, one miscalculation, and everything goes down the drain. One second can destroy a decade worth of trust. 

In this line of work, trust is everything. Trust is guarded under lock and key and fake imitations are handed out left and right like candy. 

Nicholas J Fury trusts very few people. All of which he can count on one hand with fingers to spare. So when he is approached by a high-level agent whos employment in years could fit on that single hand with fingers to spare, the director is skeptical. 

The report, however, is critical and too important and dire to ignore. No matter how suspicious. Fury has handled a lot in his years so no-one, not even this dark-haired- wide-eyed nobody, can pull one over him. 

Usually, Fury wouldn't concern himself with an everyday mission, but the details are startling. 

A new organization, not yet determined to be good or bad, has emerged and at the front of their calvary is rumored to be an extremely powerful individual. The individual has yet to be spotted out in the world but the whispers make it into the intel all the same. Not a lot of information is currently available but that is exactly why S.H.I.E.L.D is looking into it. 

Fury, after looking over the information, decides to head the mission and personally select his team. At his side, as always, is Maria Hill. Accompanying them is two squads of five. One which will make the initial infiltration and the second which will act as back up. 

On the day of the mission, Fury leans over a computer that displays the body cameras of the first five men and women sent in. Maria monitors the comms next to him, her hand pressed firmly to her earpiece as she communicates with them. 

"The building is scrubbed." 

On the outside, the building is dilapidated and crumbling. The structure barely being held up by its support beams. The fence surrounding the permitter is in a sorry state with overgrowth creeping along the length of the chain links. 

The inside isn't much different. The walls are covered a cracked yellow wallpaper, clearly from the late fifties. The floor is clear of dust but nearly every tile is fractured or missing. 

Different from the rest are the doors which line the hallways. 

Thick metal barricades each doorway with a keypad attached. The tech is completely mismatched with the environment it's found in. Yet each room they hack or break into is like the rest of the building. 

In a poor state but clear of any and all objects. There are obvious spaces where the sun has discolored the tiles and objects appear to have been moved but without anything to match the empty spaces with the mystery remains unsolved. 

Fury taps his fingers impatiently on the table the computer is set upon. His uncovered eye-rolling in exasperation. 

"Keep looking. There's still one last room to check." 

The hallway leading to the last room is the worse out of all of them. The wallpaper changes from the sickly, piss yellow to blank silver walls. The floor transitions as well from being the forlorn tile to pieced-together sheet metal. 

The leader of the five-person squadron holds up his fist in a stop motion as he hears movement from behind the door. He makes hand signs to his teammates to convey his message, the others nodding in acknowledgment. 

There are two ways the next moment will go. 

They can hack into the room and hope that the person or people on the other side don't notice. The likely hood that they can sneak in after that is little to none and a firefight will no doubt be the end result. 

Kalopsia ⊰ The AvengersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang