Chapter 5

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I woke up with a huge hangover. I looked next to me and holy shit....Matt was laying next to me without a shirt and his arm around me. I hadn't really remembered what happened but im positive I wouldnt have let him go all the way. His presence was warm and he looked so cute sleeping with his mouth open. I looked lower at his abs and damn... he made me wanna lick them all over. I hesitated to think this but I might actually have a crush on him. I mean I wasn't gonna give in this early but maybe play around with him.
Next thing I knew matt woke up and gave me a peck. "Matt what the hell" I said shocked. "Good Morning babe" he said. "What the hell happened last night" "Well by the looks of it you have a bathing suit on" he smirked. I rolled my eyes hoping he didn't remember that we practically sucked faces last night. While I tried to get up Matt pulled me back down. "Stay and cuddle with me babe" he groaned in his morning voice. I thought it was cute and so I giggled and layed back down with him. my back was to his stomach and his arm was wrapped around me almost touching my boob. He slid it up slowly, trying but I got up just at the right time. I left the tent and heard the peaceful waves of the ocean. Then matt had came and wrapped his arms around me from behind. He stopped when Jack had come out of his tent. "Anastasia, how was your sleep with Matt" he smirked. I went up to him. "Do you remember anything??" I said. "I remember you two making out" he smirked once again. I laughed "Ugh I hope no one remembers." "Im sure everyone is going to remember." he chuckled. Soon everybody woke up and we all went home. Me and Cam got home and I took a bath. Once I got out I had to go to school. Like really in this condition I wanted to skip but it was barely the second day.

After my shower I put my bra and underwear on and looked outside. I looked across my balcony and I saw someone familiar in the room across from my window. It was...Matt?? Before I could put anymore clothes on he had looked over to me and I could tell what his mind was thinking. Holy crap he just saw me practically naked. He didn't have a shirt on but after that I shut my curtains. I decided to go to school kind of bummy today so I put my white t-shirt that says New York on it and some gray work out shorts (Picture up there^^^) I threw on my white converse and put my hair in a loose fishtail braid. Even though I only have a week of free dress Im only wasting one day to be bummy. I went downstairs and waited for Cam. When we got to school I tried my best to avoid Matt. But how could I when I sat right next to him. For the whole english period I tried to only talk to Mia and Jack. Me and Jack talked more about our personal lives and we got closer as friends. Same with Mia. She travels a lot and when I say a lot I MEAN A FRICKING LOT. "Do you want to come with me to my house in Tahoe for the weekend ? You can invite all the guys if you want. theres plenty of rooms" she said. "Hell ya were gonna be turnt" I said laughing. "I call a room with Anastasia" I heard Matt say. "and who invited you?" I made a quick comeback. "ummm me myself and I. duh" he replied. "my treat and of course you can share a room w Ana" Mia smirked. I rolled my eyes and continued talking to jack. Lunch came by quick and I sat with the usuals. "Cartah stooop" I said while Carter was tryna take my slice of pizza. "Go get some rice or something" I said laughing. Then out of no where he pulls out a pack of chopsticks and tries to pinch me with them. Nash had asked if I could talk to him. "So umm Ana can I tell you something?" he said. I was scared of what he was gonna say but I just nodded. "I really like you. like a lot. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Well then. I sorta had a crush on Nash ever since him and Cam stated talking. I could get lost in his blue eyes. "Yes Nash, I will" I said. He gave me a big hug and we went back to the table holding hands. "Guys meet my bae" Nash said looking at me. I guess everyone was surprised or something but whatever they were saying I gave them back a cheesy smile. In my next class I sat with Jack. "Anastasia I have to warn you about something. But dont get mad." he said. "Whatever it is jack it cant be that bad." he took a breathe and just let it out. "Ok so Nash gets really aggressive when he's drunk and doesnt get what he wants which is normally to get in a girls pants and Im scared that girl might be you when we go to the lake this weekend" he said waiting for my response. "wow umm. Im sure I can protect myself but if I need help ill tell you" i said hugging him. After school I went to my second day of tryouts with Mia. They told us who got in and who didnt. "OK LISTEN UP GIRLS. CAPTAINS OR SHOULD I SAY CO CAPTAINS FOR THIS YEAR ARE ANASTASIA DALLAS AND MIA HUMPHREY. EVERYBODY ELSE, THERE WILL BE A LIST OUT HERE" the trainer said. me and mia jumped our asses off and we were just so happy. Football practice was the same and I looked over the fence to find Cam and nash. I ran over and I guess matt thought I was running to him so he kinda opened his arms out for me but I ran past him and hugged nash instead. oops I didnt know. Ill talk to him later but right now I was so happy. Turns out Matt and Cam are captains and to celebrate were going to the House in Tahoe for the weekend but for now, I need to finish my next 3 days of school for it.

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