III. Watchman

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Entry #3

Two subjects have died already, #3 and # 7. No doubt in the hands of those mindless beasts, or 'haunted' as we've started to call them. While the location of the others is unknown, the nurse's aid and the sheriff seem to have teamed up together. Depending on whether our servers continue to work, we will survey their interaction.

On the other hand, some of my colleagues have studied the haunted's behavior. From both their appearance and behavior, they appear to be former patients from before tests, just.... twisted. Maybe a product of losing one's sanity within the machine?

- Marcelo Jimenez

Before she could even respond as to what a 'haunted' was exactly, a furious cry echoed from behind them. It sounded far, but too close for comfort. Keith rose and tucked the medical supplies back into the satchel in his belt before standing to his full, towering height. "We need to get out of here." He stated in a much more serious tone, gaze flitting about the abandoned buildings around them. "They'll be here any second."

Claire hugged her chest as a chill suddenly washed over her. Why was she so cold? The air was still a warm, slightly muggy temperature. Not chilly in the slightest. Yet she felt so cold and empty. So vulnerable.. As if she were being followed.

Her spiraling thoughts dissipated when Keith suddenly pulled out his pistol. Fear swirled in his bright blue irises as he continued to survey their surroundings. A minute passed before he gently gave Claire a pat and ushered her forward. "C'mon, we can't stay still for long. These things move quicker than you'd imagine."

He marched past her and down the sidewalk, pistol still ready. Claire started after him, but hesitated briefly. Gaze turning behind her, she felt another wave of chills come over her. Her forest green eyes widened when a sudden spark of fear jolted through her. There, atop a ledge of a nearby building stood a figure, clothed in a white tattered robe that swayed gently despite the lack of breeze. She stood frozen on the spot, trying to make out any features in the stranger's face, but it was useless. Its face was completely shrouded in darkness by its hood.

She opened her mouth to call Keith, but the moment she did, the figure vanished. Claire panicked, paranoia festering in her pounding heart. What was that thing? A haunted? No. They couldn't disappear into thin air, could they? They seemed all to real to preform such a feat..

What was going on?

She cast a final uncertain glance at the apparition's formal perch before scurrying to catch up to Keith. She kept her gaze low to the ground, but she could feel him turn to look at her briefly and grin impishly. She hated that cocky smile of his. Yes, she was more grateful for his help, but something about his overly confident personality irked her.

Claire flinched and inched closer to him as a monstrous screech echoed in the distance. Keith remained undeterred, but did cast a few glances.

"S-So, what are they anyway?" She inquired gently, brushing a strand of black hair from her face. "Those haunted things.."

He sighed and rummaged through his satchel. "Used to be people. Before I found you, I had two other guys with me but.. They didn't make it. It was almost instant. First they started to scream and hold their heads, like something was attacking them. Then before I knew it they started growling and turning right before my eyes."

He breathed through his nose and shook his head, "I had no other choice but to.. You know."

She nodded knowingly and kept her eyes low. Maybe he wasn't as bad as she thought. She actually felt quite sorry for him now. How horrible it must have been to watch someone you know die like that..

He shrugged his shoulders and retrieved a hunting knife from his satchel before handing it to her. "But that's behind me now. Gotta stay positive y'know?" He smiled.

She took the weapon warily in her hands. "So you can protect yourself," he explained before she could question him. "Sorry I don't have any more pistols. But it's better than nothin' right?"

Before the two could chat anymore, a vicious hiss sounded in front of them. Keith's arm flew backwards to shield Claire. "Stay back!" He barked, clutching his gun and aiming.

Two haunted stood stone-still in their path, both armed with pistols and wearing grinning, ceramic masks.

//Hi there lovelies! I can't express how happy it makes me to know that you're enjoying my story so much to read this far!! Many thanks again and remember to vote/comment if you like it! Have a splendid day and see you in the next chapter, where things will get a lot more interesting ;) !\\

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