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phone calls

"Cherry! Why haven't you called?! I am dying!" Sophia screams onto the phone.

Cher rolls her eyes, but cracks a smile, missing her best friend.

"Sorry, I've been busy." Cher says. This wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either.

"Sure you where." Sophia says. "Probably busy flirting with cute guys."

Cher laughs, but her mind couldn't help but wander to Jack. Her face flushes red, when she realises, that she found Jack cute.

"So there is a boy!" Sophia exclaims. Cher could picture Sophia laying on her bed, smirking. "So who's the boy that might steal my best friend away from me?"

"There is no boy." Cher lies, "I called you for another reason."

"What?" Sophia asks, hearing how serious Cher sounded.

"Do you believe, in children tales?" Cher asks.

"Children tales?"

"You now, like Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, those tales." Cher answers.

"I guess, if it gets my siblings to believe in them." Sophia answers.

Or you could be like me, and have a mental problem....

Maybe it wasn't the best idea for Cher to call Sophia. Cher bits her lip.

"Why did you ask?" Sophia asks.

"You're gonna think I'm completely crazy." Cher says.

"You're my best friend, and plus I already think you're crazy."

There was a long moment of silence.

"Well? I don't know about you but I don't have all day." Sophia says.

"IsawJackFrostinmyroom." Cher finally says.

"Could you repeat that?"


"I dunno, maybe because I'M A HUMAN BEING?!" Sophia yells.

Cher takes a deep breath.

Okay, you can do this, Cher.

"I. Saw. Jack. Frost. In. My. Room." Cher slowly repeats.

There was a long moment of silence. Each second that past, got Cher more worried.

"Cher, Skype me now." Sophia says, before hanging up, leaving a confused and very worried Cher.

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