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*Still that night (after putting pants & shoes on)*
I walk into tall wooden doors that led to a high-ceiling entrance with a chandelier above and a carpeted, curved staircase right in front of me.
I look to my left, seeing a doorway showing a huge kitchen with wooden cabinets, stainless steel appliances, marble counter tops, and a large island.
I look to my right and see an big living room with only tan furniture and a large TV on the wall. I also notice a white fire place.
I follow the boys to another room, this one empty. The dining room.
We go across the large space to a staircase going down to a basement with an office and game room.
Then we go back up to the main floor (I catch a glance of a bathroom) and start up the stairs.
"Bedroom 1"
"Bedroom 2"
"Bedroom 3. Kinda small."
What? No it's bigger than my old room.
"Bedroom 4"
"Office, aka bedroom 5"
"Office, aka, bedroom 6. Perrie, that's your room."
I step in and look around at the light yellow painted room with white and pink bedding and curtains.
"This needs a whole lotta work."I say, imagining black walls, with one mirrored, a silver chandelier, a black upholstered headboard, and black and white bedding with a black, white, and gray Indiana tapestry on my comforter....Perfect.
I am sharing a full bathroom with the girls, although technically it's my bathroom.
"Where am I gonna sleep?"Ronnie asks.
"With James. James has the master bedroom. No one knows why...but he does."Luke says.
Ronnie nods.
"Well, do you like it?"Jai asks.
*Authors Note: Um sorry if I call him Dad and Jai...Idk what to call him lol.*
"Yea!!!! It's beautiful, but....Uh, don't you think it's a little bit nice for you boys?"
"We promise no inside DareSundays. There's a garage in the back where we'll be shooting and throwing up."We go in the living room and open the French doors that led to a large stone patio with a pool and pool chairs.
We walked over to a large garage/barn thing and opened the door.
"Wow....Yea. This is quite huge."I say...."When are we moving in?"
"Within 2 weeks. We still need to pack up at the house and sell everything we don't want."Luke says.
"K...We should probably get a maid or 2....or 7."
"When we get our money straight after selling, moving, and buying, we'll consider it."
We walk back in and out the front door, locking it behind us.
"Nice house."I say. "What happened to me getting my own place?"
"You're just staying until you get enough money for your own place. Unless you wanna stay at the house we have now while we live here."
*Twaimz face*
"No no. It's good. I'm going to the hotel to hang out with Jack."I say.
"Okay. See ya. Thanks for the donuts."Ive already taken a jelly donut and sprinkle donut to go.
I get in my car and wonder why I decided to put on denim jeans. Oh yea, cause I thought we were going out for a minute.
They make my legs look fine, so it's all good. I listen to Tori Kelly on the drive to the hotel.
I knock on Jack's door and immediately he's standing in the doorway shirtless.
"Hey, beautiful."He smiles and pull me in the room.
He has suitcases everywhere.
"Packing up?"I ask.
"Yea."He pics me up and sets me on the counter top, standing between my legs. "I actually needed to talk to you about why we're leaving the hotel."I look down at him.
"Me and Jack are going on tour in less than 4 weeks."
"Really? That's awesome."
"We'll be gone for 2 months, then we're probably moving to San Fransisco."
I look around. "You're breaking up with me?"I say, getting straight to the point. He looks away. "No, I totally understand. We won't even be able to see each other. Don't go hook up with some slut, though."I smile, so does he.
"I won't. We could possibly get back together after tour because I don't know if we are moving or staying in LA."
"Yea, but you'll be going on more tours, you'll be super busy, I'll be super busy, I think it's better for us to be friends."
"Okay...."He smiles. "Cool. I'm happy you're not mad."
"Why would I be mad?"I smile.
"I don't know. Girls get mad easily."He chuckles. I punch his arm.
"Like that?"
"Like that, yes."
There's a moment where I'm only focused on Jack and kissing him.
But, I guess I'm not the only one, cause he grabs my face and forces me into a long kiss.
"Before we split, can we...."He pulls away.
"Um....No, cause that basically makes me more of a slut."I chuckle.
"Why are you already a slut?"
"Cause I've already had 1 and a half relationships. You're like my third."
"Come on please! It's on my bucket list."
"Oh it's on your bucket list? Well yea, of course."
Then he pulls me down, and puts his hands on my thighs. I jump onto his waist as we lock our lips together. He take me to his room and shuts the door, then lays me on his bed.
I'm thinking this whole thing through. What will happen in the future. I'm giving my virginity to a boy who I'm not even dating. Then again, I don't see anything bad about that....now. I'll regret it when I get married and want to give my virginity to the boy who put a ring on my finger.
"Perrie, I love you. Forever. We won't continue this relationship, but I still love you. If you don't want me to do this, just say it. I won't be mad at all."He says.
I stay silent, still thinking.
I begin to slip off my pants and underwear.
"I trust you to be responsible for stealing my virginity."
He kisses my forehead as it all begins (after protection!!! Don't forget that!)
'There's no turning back now' I think as pain fills my lower body.
*20 minutes later*
I slip on my pants and wrap my arms around his neck.
"No one speaks of this."I whisper. "Never tell anyone. Okay? Jack, I trust you."
"I will never tell anyone except my mom. I trust you as well. Are you gonna tell him?"He asks, referring to my dad.
"I have to. Who knows what will happen. Thank you for helping me make one of the hugest steps in my life."
"Thank you for letting me help. And for helping me as well."
I hug him again, then open the door.
"I love you."He says...."As a friend."
"I love you too."I reply. He kisses my head and I close the door behind me.
I enter my room and take a shower, still in pain.
I wash everywhere and change into leggings, a t-shirt, and Uggs.
I grab my phone and wallet and go to the house, preparing on how I'm gonna say this.
I am on the verge of shedding some tears as I park my car.
I walk in and go into the living room- no Jai. I go upstairs to his room where he's on Twitter.
"Dad"I mumble after closing the door behind me.
"Yea?"He looks at me. "What's up?"He asks.
"I really need to tell you this. I understand if you wanna yell at me."
He sits on the edge of his bed. I figure it would hurt if I sat, so I stayed put.
"I um....had sex.....With Jack. For like 20 minutes."
His face shows no emotion as he stares straight ahead. He suddenly looks up at me.
He stands up and pulls me into a hug as I begin slowly letting a tear fall every once and a while.
His tight arms wrap around my neck.
"I'm not mad at all. At least you're dating him."
"About that....We broke up and we're friends cause he's going on tour, then he might move to San Fransisco."
"Now, I'm kinda wondering what you were thinking. But I support you. You trust him, right?"
"Yea, he trusts me, I trust him. We promised to not tell anyone but our parents."
"Okay. We're you planning to tell them?"
"No. No. Just you. Thank you for not getting mad."
"Never."He hugs me again. "And...you're not gonna sit down are you?"
"I can try."
I let go and slowly sit on his bed, no. Nope. Not gonna happen.
"Uh-uh"I shake my head. He chuckles and wraps his arm around my shoulders.
We begin to walk down the stairs and go into the kitchen and Dad yells
"Hey, guys, Perrie got laid!"
I look at him.
"Wtf?"Luke says. "Really? With Jack?"
"Thanks a lot."I say, then look at Luke and fake smile.
"How was it?"He asks.
"It hurts to walk"I mumble with a smile.
"Than sit"
"Oh, no, no no."
My phone rings suddenly - Jack.
I go outside and answer it.
"Come back. I can't break up with you. Nope. We'll make this work. I promise. Can you Please stay the night?"He begs.
"Sure."I say. "I'll be over in a minute. Want anything?"
"Get fries and I'll pay you back."
"K. See ya in a few."
I hang up and go inside.
"Goodnight, guys."I say.
"Take Motrin."Dad says.
"Oh, duh! See ya tomorrow."
"Hope you feel better."
"Hope in not pregnant."I reply, closing the door.
I stop at McDonalds and get 2 medium fries then get Jack a small fry- jk jk.
I soon arrive at the hotel and make my way to the elevator.
I take off my leggings and uggs, leaving me in black lace underwear (that's like the only underwear I have literally. Black lace. Like 10 pairs.) and my t-shirt. I run across the hall, hoping no one will see me.
Jack opens the door and lets me in.
"Do you hate pants?"He smiles as I set down the food.
"Kind of."I hand him the fries.
I follow him over to his bedroom and remember everything that happened earlier.
He sits on the bed with his back against the wall.
He looks at me and pats the spot next to him.
I walk over to the other side and roll onto the bed.
"Are you gonna sit up?"he asks, changing the channel.
"Why not?"
"It hurts to sit."
He laughs. "I'm so sorry. Take a pill." He hands me Motrin and leaves the room, coming back with a water.
"Thank you" I shove the pill in my mouth and swish it down my throat with cold water.
I wait for it to kick in, then attempt to sit up....then lay back down.
"It's more comfortable like this"I say.
He shuts off the light and lays behind me, placing his arm around my waist.
I quickly fall asleep.
Was that weird? I hope not.

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